fitness after 30

  1. M

    if you had 4-5 hours a week to spend in the gym over 4 sessions, what would you do?

    Busy parent here, as I'm sure many can relate to. I go to the gym 4x and run 2x per week. Currently do an upper/lower split at the gym, with one upper day a push bias and the other a pull bias, one leg day a quad bias and the other a glute and ham bias. With warm up and a bit of a stretch or a...
  2. R

    A calorie is not a calorie??

    Have any of you listened to the Huberman podcast episode with Dr. Lustig on sugar and processed foods? A lot of the more detailed biology discussion is way over my head, but I’m wondering if you all have any thoughts or personal experiences with reducing or eliminating processed foods from your...
  3. D

    How does losing weight while progressing at the gym actually work?

    38y/o male, 222lbs and recently did a DEXA scan. I want to lose weight, but also gain muscle at the same time if possible—recomposition. Looking at some body recomposition info, I should be eating 200g of protein per day. Some more info: 35.2% body fat 1700 calories TDEE, not counting gym time...
  4. S

    HLM vs. resets?

    As I continue in my analysis paralysis over whether to switch to HLM, I've been thinking about resets. Let's say I'm doing exercises A, B, C, and D. Based on how things feel now, I group A+B into my heavy day, and C+D into my light day. For my medium day I do A+B but at a reduced weight and...
  5. H

    Combining L-Citrulline and Beta-Alanine

    Has anybody stacked both? Also, did it break your fast?
  6. G

    M, 6ft1, 185lbs, 2 years progress

    Mildly NSFW Pics (partial nudity). Terrible MSPaint skills. Stats: Age: 35 Height: 6ft1 Weight: 175lbs > 185lbs Squat: 45lbs > 260lbs Bench: 45lbs > 175lbs Deadlift: 130lbs > 440lbs I lift 4x a week, basically a PHUL type program (main compound lift followed by accessories). I have no...
  7. T

    Squat form check please

    Hi everyone, I'd appreciate any feedback on my form here. I'm 6'1" 255lb I'm squatting 245lb, this is my last set of 3x5 and I only manage to get 4.
  8. L

    Not getting a routine that works for me

    I am 35 (F), vegetarian. I follow Intermittent fasting and I do YOGA every weekday morning. On weekends I try to go on long walks with my toddler. I have a desk job that requires me to sit for 7-8 hours with travel once a week involving constant sitting+driving for 2 hours (to+fro). I have...
  9. B


    March 2022 I had No specific diet, No workout plan but in and out of the gym lifting weights (badly) out since 16. I am now 34. In Body scales usually mid week 1-2 weeks apart because generally they were de-motivating me and messing with me mentally around body fat percentage – so I use them...
  10. J

    Wall-E Wednesday (diet discussions)

    I'm pretty sure that Wall-E wasn't meant to be a documentary (I'm pretty sure Idiocracy wasn't either) but as anyone can see by looking around, we've got trouble. As is always pointed out, weight loss is about diet, but diet and life when you aren't 20 is a little more difficult. Buy in from...
  11. M

    Frustrated over being very fat.

    Trying to receive my motivation here. Very day. Working out very hard the last 6 months. I’m “in shape” l but still fat as fuck. (Yes, yes, I know, I know, I’m not in shape bc I’m a fatass, but I can do cardio and HIIT forever, have good objective health metrics aside from being a fatass, and...
  12. M

    What are the best adjustable dumbbells for home use?

    I am looking for adjustable dumbbells to buy for myself. I work from home and want to stay active and workout from home as well. Would love to have suggestions which dumbbells to buy. Thanks in advance! Edit: I managed to buy Bowflex Selectech 552. using these dumbbells are really helping me...
  13. C

    Recommended split for working out 3x/wk

    I have a decent home gym comprised of 5-50 lb dumbbells, full power rack with lat pull down, including barbell and approx 300lbs of weight plates. Also have a functional trainer, echo bike and leg extension. I can only commit 3x/wk due to personal reasons. What is the training split I should...
  14. I

    Need advice with gym routine and progress

    I am 33 years old, measuring 1.67 cm and weighting 95 Kg (about 5’.6” and 198 lbs), and my body fat looks around 335%. I also have plantar fasciitis and asthma, which make it hard for me to do certain types of cardio such as running, but fan bikes and rowing machines are manageable. Most cardio...
  15. L

    Just started working out again. (33 M, 6'0", 200lbs)

    Took a pretty long hiatus. Always used to be in really good shape. Doing both cardio and lifting. Solid muscle. Single digit body fat %. Then I had a couple kids and got a desk job and got really OUT of shape. Not super overweight because I kept my eating at least somewhat in check. Not great in...
  16. W

    Tired of getting injured

    I'm sick and tired of injuring my back. I've been lifting for couple of years and squatting always gets me injured at some point. “well, do something else!” you might say. Thing is…I love squatting. 🙃 Anyway. More context. I've been getting injured on and off for years, and at some point I...
  17. F

    Help moving forward with workouts

    Alrighty here we go. I do not know how to start so I will try. I have been frustrated lately and I am looking for tips. Unfortunately 4-6 weeks ago I had a little hyperextension in my muscle (right shoulder/back muscle/rhomboid) due to improper squat technic which dragged my on my neck so it...
  18. J

    What are you current max lifts by body weight?

    Hi all, so I’m focusing on strength at the moment. I’m using some of the 5,3,1 program, alongside other things. My current body weight is 70kg (m, 166cm) Bench: 100kg (1.43 x bw) Deadlift: 152.5kg (2.18 x bw) Squat: 125kg (1.78x bw) OHP: 62.5kg (0.89x bw) What’s yours? What are you aiming...
  19. R

    Life struggles!

    This is not a post to get sympathy or anything like just help/advice would be great! Basically I'm 36, single dad that when my ex wife cheated on me 5 years ago I started going to the gym and suffer from pression now which is a pain in my arse when cones to motivation and commiting to the gym...
  20. R

    How do families with young children find the time?

    I’m very overweight; I’ve surfed weight consistently. My most recent surge of activity was swimming 4-5 times a week - often leaving my partner either solo with the kids in the morning, or essentially not seeing her / spending quality time together some nights With a one hour commute each way...