fitness after 30

  1. B

    Long post: 45M - 6'6" 250lb. Am I overtraining and/or advice on with my diet/sleep/supplement regimen. Getting tired more often and looking for help

    Hi all! As the title states, I am a pretty big guy, but I would like to think that I am in reasonably good shape and have decent lean muscle mass (body fat varies from 13-16% this past year). I wear size 38 pants that fit pretty loose and usually fit onto an XL t-shirt, if that helps. I have...
  2. D

    How do you keep energised at work without surgery snacks when dieting?

    I work in an office job that can be very demanding with lots of emails, report writing, presentations, meetings, commuting, etc. Unfortunately, I know that I am amazingly more productive when I have sugery snacks (like x2-3 more productive). I am more alert, think more clearly, digest complex...
  3. S

    hybrid functional strength programs? also... avoiding the big 4 nonsense

    I feel like some of the fitness subs are some combination of toxic or stupidly dogmatic when it comes to barbell squats, deadlifts, bench, and OHP as the solution to all strength and mobility issues. I bench, am working on single leg kb rdls, and do belt / goblet squat though to be clear. I see...
  4. B

    Need advice regarding my training

    Hi guys, I need some advice. I did no sports most of my life. Like ten years ago I changed my lifestyle and started running. I reduced my weight from 140 kg to ca. 110 kg. I added some soccer, Tennis, biking and hiking. Two years ago I started weight training and gained ca. 5 kg weight. After...
  5. G

    Update: felt like shit, went to doctor. Not dying

    Original: Fatigue for a year. Couldn’t get through a golf lesson without getting gassed. Went for a physical and got labs done. Everything was normal except for low vitamin D. Value was at least half of what it should be. Currently on 50,000iu...
  6. U

    How do I train to walk at a 5mph pace for 2.5 miles?

    Im Military, 17 years in and have to do the walk as an alternative to running. Someone decided to shorten our time limit from 34 min to 31. I need to train to be able to maintain a 5 mph walking speed for 2.5 miles. I have flat feet but wear arch supports (not sure how much they help...
  7. Y

    Most important non-gym habits?

    Hey all, I’ve been going to the gym 3 days a week now doing StrongLifts 5x5 since the first day of February (with some missed days due to sickness and a vacation). I definitely feel stronger, but I haven’t seen a lot of progress visually. Obviously I haven’t been at it for a super long time and...
  8. T

    Need help getting started weightlifting

    Hello all, I’m a 38 year male. Since the pandemic, I have really lost myself and put on weight. I’m 6’0 feet tall and currently 290 pounds. Throughout most of my life, I had been naturally fit and never had to lift weights or anything. However, that is not the case now and I need some help. I’m...
  9. T

    Anyone successfully dealt w/patellar bursitis or knee pain while kneeling down?

    All the way back in Feb I started having pain in my left knee when I would kneel down on it. I THINK it was from kneeling down too much while doing some house projects but I am not sure. Knee pain is on the top/center of the patella, just underneath the bony knob, near the patellar tendon and...
  10. H

    Folks who workout twice a day, what does your life look like on a daily basis?

    I have recently started incorporating SOME workout in my day (C25K) but I feel like I am not doing enough. Like my life otherwise is quite sedentary and I am thinking to incorporate a 30-40 minutes walk in my daily routine in addition to C25K. While I know I am just starting out and won’t push...
  11. B

    Workout Routine Critique

    Help Programming Workout I wanted to see if anyone would give some feedback on a workout routine I am considering. I do have several years lifting experience and some knowledge of workout routines and principles. I am 37, run a business full time, and have a 1 year old kid, so there are time...
  12. J

    Wall-E Wednesdays (diet discussions)

    I'm pretty sure that Wall-E wasn't meant to be a documentary (I'm pretty sure Idiocracy wasn't either) but as anyone can see by looking around, we've got trouble. As is always pointed out, weight loss is about diet, but diet and life when you aren't 20 is a little more difficult. Buy in from...
  13. E

    Best workout split week due to gym Covid restrictions

    New Covid restrictions only give us 45min to workout per reservation (probably more like 30-40min since they have to transition and let previous patrons out before your time slot). Which split would be the most effective for the time constraints given? (Due to work schedule the days I’d prefer...
  14. P

    Strength training vs running for fat loss?

    (Combined with a calorie deficit of course). I’m after your thoughts. I started lifted weights about 7 years ago now, with a deficit I lost 70lbs and was in the best shape of my life. Gave up strength training and took up running full time about 2 years ago now. When I took up running I...
  15. I

    Program tweaks: Any Suggestions please.

    I’m 43 6’1 76kg. I do 5x6 program 3-4 times a week plus one swim. I have bench and free weights rack, roller, power blocks and resistance bands (I rarely used these) My squats and bench press have gone up 20-25kg in 6months. I cycle through the following 3 workouts: WORKOUT A Warmup...
  16. L

    Get me to 1 standard pull up. [33/F 5'8 177lbs]

    Female here. I want to do a pull up. The standard kind where your palms face out. I've been working on it since January, lots of different rows and pulling exercises, and I've got some progress. I can now do about 3/4 of one reversed pull-up (palms facing me), and that's from a dead hang. I'm...
  17. C

    How do I start as a beginner with back and knee pain? I think the knee pain is due to weight 30/F/72kg/UK

    I used to be active (going to the gym at least 5 times a week and often doing 1hour + of cardio) every fitness post I’ve said says to lift weights and forget cardio… I don’t know where to begin. I used to have a PT but some of the stuff feels unachievable to me now e.g squats and deadlifts and I...
  18. I

    Easily get tired?

    Hello 32F, I've been having some issues with exercise since I was 26. I get super tired really easily, and even just 20 seconds of jumping jacks leaves me gasping for air. Is that normal? I know they recommend 30 minutes of cardio, but my knees start burning after just 2 minutes on the...
  19. T

    Lifting around severe shoulder weakness

    So I’ll (38M) try and condense this the best I possibly can. I have weakness lifting above my head from winged scapula, PT specialists and orthopedic surgeons have basically both told me it’s so exacting and matching it appears to be a birth defect in both shoulders. Which explains the lack of...
  20. E

    If All You Have Is a Kettlebell..

    Hey all, Thought I'd share this short video by Coach Dan John to provide some inspiration and ideas on what exercises you can do if you have limited equipment (like 1 Kettlebell but could also work with dumbells etc). For those with limited time and limited equipment (or just want to mix it...