
  1. L

    Walking with incline: what are the benefits?

    I have recently started walking with incline at the gym (20-30 minutes- 5.5 km/h with 10% incline). My main question is if it helps build a booty but id also like to know the general benefits
  2. C

    Workout designed by MS Copilot

    I asked Copilot to design a 4-day workout to increase muscle mass and here's what I got. What do u guys think? Certainly! Here’s a 4-day workout plan designed to help increase muscle mass. Remember, consistency and proper nutrition are key for muscle growth. Ensure you’re consuming enough...
  3. S

    Can’t get my head around protein

    I 22m have recently started hitting gym it’s been 3 months with only a weeks gap due to fever and as I indulge more in the gym culture I’ve realised that diet should be the top priority. My main goal is muscle gain since I belong to skinny fat category. Here’s the thing an uncle of mine is a fan...
  4. D

    Caloric Deficit + WeightLifting and Whey? Will it help?

    Hi! I’m currently at 115kg looking to go down to 95 kg as my first goal. I’m also at 180cm and 23 years old. I’m trying to cut down and was just curious. It’s been 1-2 months since I started going to the gym again to lose weight and build muscle. My current diet is: 1900 Calories More of...
  5. H

    The Road to 2/3/4/5

    It took me about 3 years to hit 1/2/3/4 plates for at least 5 reps for OHP/Bench/Squat/Deadlift. I'm pretty proud of my progress all things considered but at the same time a little dismayed considering I've read stories online on how a lot of people managed to hit that milestone more or less...
  6. E

    Creatine and Creatinine

    I've been taking athlene creatine mono for the last 2 years. Done my research na din online and got answers. But I just want to check kung meron ba dito na after ng bloodchem elevated ung creatinine nila? Normal range is 0.80 - 1.30mg/dl. Mine sits around 1.53mg/dL Naka pag pa check na ko sa...
  7. D

    How to Calculate Protein Intake

    I’m 96kg, goes to the gym 4x a week (weightlifting then cardio afterward), and on a caloric deficit for about 2 weeks now. My goal is to lose fat and gain muscle, and weigh around 85-90kg for now. I’ve been also tracking my macros for 2 weeks now with myfitnesspal. But I’ve read conflicting...
  8. L

    Suggest a 2500 calorie diet for a skinny 6'1 17M weighing 54KG

    Hello, I just got done with high school and JEE so, couldn't focus on fitness for the past 2 years ate whatever my mom made and quite a lot of fast food because through swiggy. I'll be joining college in a few months so, I want to get toned and bulk up a bit and get a decent build in 2-3 months...
  9. R

    This is how imported WPI raw looks like

    This is what 'Indian companies' use when rebranding their 'Indian' Product by adding flavours and Additives and calling it Whey sourced from Europe/America.( Other than Amul and Avvatar that I know of). Got my half yearly stash at around 1850/- per kg.of raw WPI with Sunflower Lecithin. This...
  10. M

    As a slow twitch domineant weight lifter, why would a gym manager yell at me for working out too much?

    I read that slow twich fibers recover after 60-90 secconds temporarily, but my gym manager doesn't like that I have more slow twitch muscles (i.e. 8 sets per group per day at least). Why is this? On a side note he used to be a professional soccer player.
  11. J

    Is Athlene’s Active Whey Protein the best budget protein powder locally?

    I’ve been switching around from ON, R1, Wheylabs, USN for my monthly 5lbs tub since I do prefer the brands I’m familiar with coming from their official stores online but this month I’ve decided to lower the budget a little bit since I’ve been seeing some people online posting about Athlene - to...
  12. R

    Finding a sustainable workout at home

    Hey guys from reddit, I'm looking for some advice to establish a workout routine that suits me well. This is gonna be a long one but I hope some of you might be able to help me out with this :) About me: I'm a man in his late 20s, about 170cm tall and weigh roughly 67Kgs, because the metric...
  13. L

    Need recommendation for Nutritionist/dietician

    I've been working out for 4 months now and I've barely seen any change in weight. I feel like I workout and diet like crazy and lose 100-200 g Max in a week. I never did eat a lot and never was a fan of sweets. I've cut out 90% of junk food and only have some relatively healthy junk (bhel Puri)...
  14. C

    pls help ur girl out I just need ur tips and maybe a little push and accountability haha xD

    Hi! for context, I'm (almost) 20F, 47kgs, around 4'7/143 cm tall. My goal is to get a toned body, just the right amount. I'm kinda active because I am part of the swimming team in school although beginner (just started last year). Our trainings are during M/F (1-2hr, dry land) and W (2hr water...
  15. K

    Question about my gym progress

    Hello po, bago lang ako to this subreddit and hoping I can get someone’s insight. I’ve been going to the gym for about a year, first 6 months were fully focused on 1-hour of cardio/resistance for 3-4 days a week. The next 6 months up to today, I’ve decided to also add in some weights. I’m 27...
  16. S

    Does it make sense if I switch Push-Pull-Legs with Push-Pull+Legs ?

    Hello everyone! I am a 30 year old millennial, 172 cms tall weighing 103 kgs when I started working out in the last week of February 24. As of today I weigh 98.35 kgs. My goal is to lose weight and get stronger. For the initial two weeks I followed the PPL split. After two weeks I made some...
  17. M

    Frustrated With Inability To Shed Body Fat

    **EDITED FOR CLARITY Long body fat rant here; I’m just frustrated. I’m using a burner for personal reasons. I’ve been into fitness since my high school days (I’m in my late 40’s now), but I’ve never been able to shed body fat. I’m currently around 16% at 83.9146 kg/185 lb, and it’s not like...
  18. I

    Feedback on my Workout Program (bulking)

    Hello! 26M here, super skinny at 40kg, 5’2”. Finally I already started working out. I posted here last year asking if I should focus on calorie surplus first before working out and it turns out everyone adviced to do it simultaneously. I am at 2 week workout streak and 3 weeks calorie surplus...
  19. A

    It’s been a long year

    31 yo male. Last year I set out to lose weight. I changed a lot of habits like starting keto, eventually reintroducing carbs but still not a lot of sugar intake. Started working out making sure to be consistent. Last year I couldn’t even run a km or do chin up or pul l up without assistance. Now...
  20. M

    Everything you need to start getting in shape from today

    Hey everyone, I know getting in shape can be daunting and you might've been putting it off for a while. Read this post and you won’t have an excuse about starting. These are the absolute basics you need. Forget everything else for now. For those of you that are skinny fat, this post has got...