
  1. A

    2 months of weight training

    Sinunod ko lang kung anong nasa mga yt videos at tiktok ni smart fit. Dati na kong naggi-gym. Bakal gym lang ako palagi walang coach youtube and tiktok lang. Noon puro cardio lang ako. Natigil ako ng 1 year sa gym. Tumaba ako, pero napansin ko simula noong nagbubuhat na ko noong november walang...
  2. L

    Pano nyo naiintegrate ang training/fitness nyo into your busy scheds?

    Hello good day, first time poster here. If my post is a duplicate sorry and please delete na lang. Anyway I wanted to ask how some of you guys managed to incorporate yung consistent training nyo sa busy sched nyo? In my case, after graduation ko I had all the free time in the world. So I...
  3. V

    How to incorporate 10k steps daily

    As the title suggests, I’m looking for ideas on how to incorporate daily 10k steps as a daily habit. I’m finding it hard to fit it w/ my current lifestyle due to the following: I live in Pasig. Feeling ko instead na health benefit, hazard pa yung 10k from all the pollution I’d absorb from...
  4. S

    Doubts regarding Supplements?

    Now I'm on my weight loss journey. My body fat would be around 28% now. I'm going to start my weight training after weight loss. I'm planning to take the supplements below. Creatine Multivitamin and omega 3 BCAA L-Gultamine L-Arginine (Tablets) L-Carnitine (Tablets) Ashwagandha ksm 66...
  5. O

    Fitness advice

    Posting for my bf since he doesn’t have a Reddit Hi - I am a 26 year old male (6 ft, 150lbs) looking to start a new workout routine. I've been following the lifting program nSuns for the past 6 months or so, alternating between bench/squat/deadlift/overhead press 4-5 times a week. Although I...
  6. J

    Feeling disappointed.Pls help!

    Hi fellow gymers!! I am 35 F started with my weight loss journey 3 months ago and joined Cult. In 3 months my body fat percentage has come down to 37.4% from 39.4%. I workout 3-4 times per week and mostly HRX or strength+. Muscle mass has increased by 0.7 kg. Is this progress normal. I was...
  7. J

    Anytime F SC@M?

    Me and my bestfriend joined Anytime Fitness last March 27, 2024 and paid 2650 for the a month's subscription. 1 year subscription sya and we thought na after a month pa ulit yung next payment but then may charge na ulit today, April 1. Ang sabi ng staff, every first of the month daw yung charge...
  8. J

    Home Workout Equipments

    I’m M 23, 5’7 I recently hit 100kg and I’m on my way now to weight loss. Adjusting my diet din in which I know na mas kailangan bigyan ng pansin. I’m looking ngayon for home workout equipments since mag 11.11. Ang nasa cart ko na ay set of dumbells, walkpad, mat. What else would u suggest...
  9. S

    af or psp + macros

    hi! i’m a student w/ dost scholarship body type: skinny fat i have enough gym knowledge na (started aug 2023). i’m planning to transfer gym & my choices are PSP & Anytime Fitness na super magkaiba yung prices (these 2 lang po yung malapit) choice 1: focus on my macro intake, eating whole &...
  10. I

    Can you help me know my Physical Activity factor for the HB equation? (Quick question, quick answer)

    I am a 24 years old guy, my weight is 58.3 kg/128.53 pounds, my height is 168 cm/5 ft - 6 in. So, I want to lose some weight, when I use the HB equation my result is 1541.74 kcal for BMR. After that I need to multiply by physical activity factor but thats when it gets tricky to me, I dont want...
  11. E

    Advice for chest progression as I feel like I am on a plateu

    hi all I (23M) have been consistently working out for the past 17 months. I focused on bench press and incline db press as my 2 chest movements along with flies as finisher and I have consistently done 3 sets of 10-12 reps of each excercise all these months 8 months into lifting my bench press...
  12. O

    Chest and back

    Chest and back exercises I have been trying to build muscle for a few months now and it’s going well…. I have learned and correct me if I am wrong but best is lift as much weight as u can to failure so if I’m aiming for 10 reps a set I can only do 7 or 8 at my highest weight and when I reach...
  13. R

    LF: Running shorts for women that don't ride up

    Hi! I'm looking for recommendations on running shorts for women that don't ride up. Hassle kasi iadjust pag tumatakbo. :D I got this one from Lazada pero umaakyat haha. Di ko sure kung factor ba na medyo malaki ang legs kaya umaakyat. TIA!
  14. P

    Converting from a 5-day split to a 3-day split

    So I've been lifting for almost 9 months now and I've decided to recently incorporate Muay Thai into my routine after my lifts for some cardio. Thing is though, it's very time-consuming given my work schedule and everything. Plus, maaaan do I get extremely exhausted afterwards Because of this...
  15. R

    Trying to get back on to a good weight. Need Advice

    23yr male 6ft weigh about 230. Looking to get down to about 200. Me and my s/o walk a mile everyday after work but I feel like my eating habit cancel out the exercise that I do. I hardly ever drink sodas or sugary drinks in general. I recently just did a two day juice cleanse to start my system...
  16. C

    L -Tyrosine - Anyone here, ever tried it ?

    Hey, planning to add L-Tyrosine to the below stack, Please suggest, any reactions or side effects which this can cause ? Age: 32 yo. Zinc Magnesium glycinate L citruline and Citruline malate (2:1) (cycle it accordingly) - Pre - CM, rest L Citruline (non workout days) Gingko Biloba - 120mg...
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    Hi guys I’m kinda struggling here. I’m new to working out and can’t seem to eat enough. I have no history of eating issues and I’m certain this isn’t the problem. Mostly the day after the workout I’m getting headaches/lightheaded after breakfast~9 before lunch ~12/2, I haven’t had to snack...
  18. P

    Correct Progressive Overload and Training til Failure

    So for context, I have a 3-day split: M - Chest/Tri/Shoulders W - Legs/Abs/Forearms F - Back / Biceps Average workout time of 2 hours, 4 sets each, and treadmill last (3.8 mph on 11 incline). I've been incorporating progressive overload and trained til failure ever since I started which was...
  19. J

    Has anyone tried G Glowsik supplements?

    I recently got delivered L carnitine L teratrate from Flipkart by G glowsik. Other companies were charging like 2500-3000 rupee for the same amount. I got this for...
  20. S

    Asked chat gpt for workout plan here it is what do you think of it? If you have any suggestions you can provide it

    Question:- suggest a workout plan for 21m 80 body weight 5.7 height goal fat loss Here's a suggested gym workout plan for fat loss: Day 1: Full-body workout - Warm-up: 5-10 minutes of cardio (e.g., treadmill, elliptical) - Squats: 3 sets of 10-12 reps - Deadlifts: 3 sets of 10-12 reps - Bench...