home workout routine

  1. R

    Routine help/advice?

    Hi, new to this used to play sports often but broke my leg and have since fallen far out of shape. I would say the goal right now is to lose over 5 stone I didn’t know where to start but just thought I have to start so I got ChatGTP to create me a Plan I’ve done this for the past 3 days it’s not...
  2. K

    5 day Youth workout routine?

    Hi All! New to group, sorry if this has already been asked. I’ve got a 9 and 12 year old that are wanting to get stronger for travel baseball over the summer. I’m looking for a exercise program they can do together five days Monday through Friday. The main three goals will be to increase their...
  3. B

    Never been in the gym

    I do push ups sit ups and pull ups in my room and want to get in the gym I haven’t done any working out for a while I’m in Italy going to school but when I get home I want to get in the gym I have no idea where to start beside just curls bench press and squats I’ve done some research but every...
  4. M

    Kinda bored, so here it is

  5. A

    Why can’t I lose fat?

    When I tell you I’ve been doing crunches and bicycle kicks and planks and everything to get a flatter stomach so I can start toning but I can’t seem to lose any fat. I wouldn’t call myself fat but I do have a bit of chub on my lower stomach. Someone please help me!!!
  6. S

    Day 69 of my Daily Home Workout Routine

    Good morning to everyone, except those for whom it’s not morning. I just shared day 69 of my daily home workouts on the following platforms. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZM2XUUYGd/
  7. C

    My Routine to Lose weight and gain muscle fast ( 2 months Routine ) Weekly update on Results

    Start Date: 5/25/2024 Start Body Info: BMI 27 30% BF Basal Metabolic Rate | 1,413 calories per day Sedentary | 1,696 calories per day Routine: Schedule : Daily Day off: NO Workout Routine: fast walking: 1 hour, 5500-6500 Steps Deadlift 5-10kg | 3 Sets 8 Reps Back Squat 5kg | 3 Sets...
  8. G

    What do y’all think about this?

    I normally workout for a hour before work each day. I work from home 3 days out of the week and I normally take a 3/5 min break every 30 mins. If I did a few reps of anything during that break window, would that make any impact on muscle growth?
  9. S

    Can’t figure out how to properly start. Help please?

    So I’m trying to start working out more, building muscle and losing fat. I’m really overweight and it makes my auto immune disease worse. I have leg workouts because of a dislocated knee so I’m good on that aspect. I don’t know where to start with anything else. I have really bad lower back...
  10. D

    I need a plan for a 44 year old man

    I'm fat 230 5'9 I want to drop some weight, but I need a forearm, arms, chest shoulders and back routine to help improve my work life as well as overall health. I don't eat a lot of sweets and drink plenty of water if that information helps.
  11. A

    Is My Workout Routine Smart or Stupid?

    Hi Team. I've got a routine that I've been following on-and-off for like two decades. With kids a little more grown, I'm finding the time to put together a regular weekly lifting schedule and wanted to see if I'm using my time wisely. Here's the breakdown: 2 workouts, each done 2x/week (4 days...
  12. S

    Day 59 of my Daily Home Workout Routine

    Good morning to everyone, except those for whom it’s not morning. I just shared day 59 of my daily home workouts on the following platforms. YouTube: TikTok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZM2ABJPW1/ Instagram: Facebook:
  13. B

    Anyone wanna make a workout group?

    I’m looking for people to create a home workout group with everyday every morning, 6-7am CT STRICTLY to do HIIT and body weight exercises. We meet up online. Anyone wanna join? I like to focus on abs, glutes, arms, and thighs. I can’t go to the gym, have literally 0 friends, and I’m basically a...
  14. K

    Arm growing workout! NO EQUIPMENT! 💪💪

    Hey everyone! I recently created my own workout routine for a quick arms workout! Please try it out and give me some feedback! Thanks! Video Link: Do this workout then measure your arms! 💪💪#shorts #workout #fitness - YouTube
  15. D

    Happy bday to me

    Ya time to get wild lol j.k
  16. B

    critique my training program

    Hi, I need a second opinion on my training routine. Background info: Day 1, I run about 10 km, sometimes more, sometimes less or i do a heavy bag workout boxing/kicking for about an hour. Day 2, Gym at home. Day 3, stretching/yin yoga. Day 4, rest. Repeat. If I feel sufficiently recovered, I...
  17. V

    boxing routine for weight gain and muscle growth

    For boxers that want to go up a weightclass I made a little workout routine on how to build muscle without losing speed nor endurance. Before I show the workout I want to explain why I devised it this way: weight gain and strenght gain go hand in hand. If you go from ten pushups at 70 kilos to...
  18. M

    Genuine question (Beginner)

    Hi! I recently made a resolution wherein I will start to commit working out this 2024. Although I already started "warming-up" last december of 2023, I wanted to be serious this time. But as a starter, I have a question. Is it necessary to focus on "specific muscles" routine schedule per day...
  19. B

    15-minute stretching workout

    LINK: 15-minute stretching workout If you don't feel like completing a full high-impact workout today but still want to move your body, check out this short stretching practice. It is only 15 minutes, so you can easily fit it even into your mornings. There are great videos also posted in this...
  20. J

    How to gain muscle and keep athletic

    Hi. I'm new here. I'm 16y/o (F). For one year Ive been training daily with videos of Home workout, basketball, running, barre, yoga, pilates and mobility. I'm not the Best But i really enjoy it. However I would lo le to upgradey training to get an super functional body. I enteres to the gym but...