home workout routine

  1. G

    Rate my pull workout

    Daily Simple Questions Thread - March 28, 2023 Welcome to the /r/Fitness Daily Simple Questions Thread - Our daily thread to ask about all things fitness. Post your questions here related to your diet and nutrition or your training routine and exercises. Anyone can post a question and the...
  2. K

    Losing Weight

    Hello everyone! I just started working out and want to know more I feel like I am kind of not doing enough in the gym I started 1/11/24 still keeping at my normal routine which isn’t much but wanted some tips So first off I’m 23y/o male 5’7” 315lbs last I checked before 1/11/24 trying to stay...
  3. R

    14 days of 20ish minute morning yoga on Workout Loop

    I made a web page called Workout Loop that lets anyone make and share workout programs using YouTube videos. I've been making and sharing programs every 2 weeks, and the latest is 14 days of 20ish minute morning yoga! I built Workout Loop because I've been doing yoga videos in the morning and I...
  4. S

    Day 68 of my Home Workout Routine

    Good morning to everyone, except those for whom it’s not morning. I just shared day 68 of my daily home workouts on the following platforms. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZM2Xe5bY7/ https://www.facebook.com/reel/809840277514630?mibextid=BVrOdk&s=yWDuG2&fs=e
  5. D

    Trying to decide which ab routine its better, help please:(

    I wanna know if my abs workout routine its fine, or if im overloading Here are the links to my abs workouts Chris Heria ABS: Fraser Wilson ABS: BUFF ACADEMY ABS: Thanks guys! Edit: Im a 20 years old male (1.81cm height, 65kgish, very skinny), started doing exercise on October...
  6. R

    Please help nothing is working

    Nothing is working Guys please help me. I am desperate at this point. I am having a hard extremely difficult time figuring out programming and fitness in general. I have been lifting since November of 2022 and the. Got really serious and consistent in February 2023. Working out 4-5 days a week...
  7. C

    Please critique my workout routine

    Please critique my workout plan I am a 41yo male training for general fitness and health. I would appreciate any comments about my workout routine. Thank you. Here's my 5-day workout routine: Day 1: Upper Body Strength & Cardio Warm-up: 10 minutes of light cardio (jogging or brisk walking)...
  8. J

    PPL Split w/ only dumbells and a pull up bar?

    Can someone help me make one
  9. R

    Switching routines

    Switching programs Been following a 4 day upper/lower split for about 4 months. I feel like I am ready to increase my frequency and am hoping to see more gains. I have time and energy to try to do a 6 day PPL split. Here is what I’ve put together so far. I’m open to suggestions on what y’all...
  10. N

    where to start

    not sure if this is the right place to ask or not but i really want to start working out more often but i don’t know where to start and that discourages me. I feel like i know so little/am in such bad shape that there’s no hope. I’m not overweight (5’3 120 pounds 18 F) but i just run out of...
  11. W

    routine recommendations? 20F

    Hi guys, I’ve never worked out in my life and I want to learn how. I’m 20F and weigh 120lbs, and my physical appearance is kind of “skinny fat” I am unable to get a gym membership but I have a treadmill and a few small weights at home. Can someone give me a basic routine to follow with that...
  12. W

    Questions for my wife workout please

    Hi everybody ! I have some questions for my wife, her goal is to lose weight and get lean, not take a lot of muscles. She's doing workout at home. 1- how many times a week should she do cardio ? for how many time (30min/1h?) ? 2- should she do cardio directly following her workout or in...
  13. T

    Should I change anything in my workout?

    I just started working out again after 3 months break. Had a couple questions concerning my workout. My workouts are: Day 1: chest and tricep -Bench press 4 sets x4-8 reps -Smith incline bench 3 sets x 6-12 reps -Dips 3 sets of max reps -cable flies 3 x 6-12 -triceps rope pushdown 3 x 6-12 -DB...
  14. E

    Will this work until I get more equipment?

    I’ve just started working about a month ago now and I can already see the ‘beginner gains’. But I’m curious if what I’m even doing will work for the short term (3-4 months) until I can get more gym equipment as I work full time and am a father so I don’t have much time for an actual gym. If it...
  15. J

    50+ workout suggestion

    Anyone have a program they'd like to recommend for a 52 year-old working out in a garage gym? This would supplement a cycling program. I'm currently in decent shape for my age, though I've lost a bit of strength and gained some pudge over the last 6-12 months. 5'9", 165#. Not looking to get...
  16. T

    I need help fixing my workout routines

    I'm 14 years old, and i made my own workout for strangth training and the goal being body recomposition. I'm very confused and lost at where I am and how to make a good workout routine. Monday (chest, shoulders) (felt biceps) (keep) 12 reps Dumbbell chest flies x 3 12 reps Push ups x 2 (b) 10...