
  1. T

    Simple and Sinister - Tracking Spreadsheet 3.0

    Hi Everyone, I've made some improvements to the tracking spreadsheet I created and shared with this sub. I've updated it with a few auto-generating graphs that are an indication of your strength and cardio progress in swings / TGU. Here are my graphs from my spreadsheet so you can see what it...
  2. T

    Muscle knots and tightness

    I am currently doing S&S at 30kg 2x a week and DFW 16kg 2x week. DFW I started with single bell since I couldn't do both at same time, but after about 6 weeks I can do doubles. My goal is GPP, with 3 young kids, I'll be happy to get to Simple and maintain it for life, and get to either 20kg or...
  3. A

    What was YOUR pathway to pressing double 32s?

    From beginning to end, what was your pathway to pressing the double 32s? (Or any other heavy pair). What program/s did you follow? How strong were you when you started? How long did it take? Pressing the 32s is my current life mission - hence my survey of this amazing sub. I'm currently on...
  4. K

    I don't understand S&S strength standards

    Basically it is: 32kg which is "simple" and 48kg which is "sinister". So just numbers without taking your own weight and height into account? How can that be realistic ? Age could count too. I'm 171cm/5'7 and 63kg/137lbs, 35yo male, been training KB for a few months, started with 12kg and I...
  5. 1

    The Kneesovertoesguy

    What do you make of his technique and arguments for going with the knees over the toes? I searched and found this video where he performs a Deadlift with this technique. What are your thoughts? I came here doing a squat, knees over toes swing that is frowned upon and have now done two...
  6. H

    I want to strict press 32kg

    For context I have a 20kg bell and a 32kg bell.Dont want to buy anymore bells in between. Has anyone managed to go straight from 20kg to 32kg for strict pressing? How long did it take? How much volume were you doing in the 20s? Thanks in advance
  7. X

    Combining two geoff neupert programs

    The combining of two programs by geoff neupert. Firstly i have to say that i am a huge fan of his work, that’s the second and third program from more kettlebell muscle that I did in a row. Secondly I choose this programs because of my time limiting life at the beginning of this programs (was...
  8. K

    Question: Could someone translate the hieroglyphics that Levi posted on Youtube for me please?

    Video in question: Hieroglyphics: 5x2' - 8+8; 8+7; 8+7; 8+7; 8+6 Please help lol. Levi if you happen to see this, I love your stuff. I'd love it even more if I could understand it lmao.
  9. L

    16kg vs 20kg

    Hey all, I used to train w/ kettlebells a several years ago then stopped due to an unrelated injury and sold my 16 and 24 bells. In these trying times I had a eureka that I should get back into KB training as my injuries have healed and I'm once again seeking the brutal efficiency of the...
  10. S

    Recommended KB Programs for kids (7-10 yr olds)

    Daddy is currently on Day 4 of the 10k challenge and has an obese (F) 10 year old he’s trying to figure out what to do with. Thinking of starting off with lightweight S&S. We’re ofc looking at diet separately.
  11. D

    Progressing from 16 to 20s

    Once a week I did 7 sets of 20kg push press. Another day I would do z press 5 sets of 16kg. Took me four months but today I can finally z press those 20s. Such a great feeling of accomplishment.
  12. D

    ELI 5: Ladders

    Hi guys. I’m a newb and sorry if this is a d**b question. I only got 4 days left on 10000 kb swings challenge and I want to try DFW. I read the article from strongfirst and saw some posts here of folks doing the program… I just can’t seem to grasp the ladder definition. I.E. Week 3 Day 1...
  13. A

    DFW W1D1

    Is this too much or too little for 30 minutes? I didn’t feel like it was grinding but I’m very used to High Intensity workouts so it still ended up with me in a pile of sweat. So should I slow down or is the fact that I didn’t have consistent rounds mean I’m not pacing well? Round times R1 |...
  14. C

    Are presses enough for upper chest?

    I just decided to ditch the gym and embrace kettlebells. I'm an old dog of 54 and I want to be minimalist and efficient. I'm making double kB clean&press, front squats and chin-ups my bread and butter. Main goals: fitness, health, longevity. But I won't lie to you, I wouldn't mind looking hot...
  15. F

    Kettlebells made out of . . . (?)

    If iron has a density of 7.87g/cm3 (according to this website) then the volume of a 16kg kettlebell must be 2,033.04cm3, right? (Density x Volume = Mass) So let's say you want a kettlebell the size of a normal 16kg bell, but made out of something else. Here's what it would weigh! Brass . . ...
  16. J

    Kettlebell cmplex for Guard Passers and Guard Players"

    I have been practicing BJJ in the last few years and doing kettlebell exercises since the pandemic began. I was checking out the internet for ideal routines, but I didn't find any good complexes to stick to. Actually, I was wondering if there's any training specifically for the game style in...
  17. S

    Alternative exercises in RoP when you don’t have a pull-up bar

    I know that pull-ups are optional in Pavels book, but I’m asking if there are any generally accepted alternatives when you don’t have a pull-up bar. The closest I can get is a lat pull down type of exercise with a resistance band I have. I’d hold the band stretched overhead, pull one arm down...
  18. B

    Finding double 20kg front squats difficult

    I have a single 16, and two 20kg’s. I’ve been easing back into training after an illness and up until now have been using a single 16 or a single 20 for the armor building complex. I feel well enough to move up to doubles now and have no issue cleaning or pressing 2 20s but my front squat sucks...
  19. A

    A Genuine WTH effect(?)

    Hey people, I just wanted to share a recent experience I had with the notorious "What-The-Hell Effect". Yesterday I clocked a few PBs: 1) 80 Kg ATG back squat for 10 reps (up from 4 reps) 2) 85 Kg ATG back squat for 10 reps 3) 90 Kg ATG back squat for 6 reps (up from 2 reps) 4) 110 Kg SLDL...
  20. B

    Kettlebell Fanmail

    The majority of my exercise over the last year has been focused on KB overhead press. I picked up a barbell today for the first time since 2021. At that time I’d been working specifically on the big 4 power lifts (bench, overhead, squat, DL). Out of all of these, I expected my bench press to...