natural bodybuilding

  1. P

    Question thread for our AMA with Dr. Brandon M Roberts and Dr. Peter J Fitschen starting Wednesday April 15th!

    Please join us tomorrow Wednesday April 15th for an AMA with Dr. Brandon M Roberts and Dr. Peter J Fitschen. They are 2 of the authors of the recent paper Nutritional Recommendations for Physique Athletes. Check out some of their other information on their websites...
  2. E

    Need help with upper lower split

    Need help with upper lower split Hey everyone I’m currently 260 pounds down from 285. In 6’1 24 years old. Here’s my issue. I’m currently using the Hevy app and using the standard upper lower split they have on there. I go to the gym 4x a week and I’m currently trying to build muscle while...
  3. B

    If you had to pick ONE cable chest fly variation below, which would you pick and why?

    Low to high cable flyes High to low cable flyes Middle cable flyes
  4. B

    Help choosing between 4 (L/U 2x) and 5 (L/U/L/P/P) day programs

    I'd consider myself a mid to upper intermediate lifter with ten years of lifting experience (3-4 years with non-garbage programs) I am having some difficulty choosing my next program that I will stick with until the end of the year, if not longer. I am torn between Lyle McDonald's Generic...
  5. L

    Whats your normal rep drop off between sets? Does it change for each exercise? Interested to hear if this varies for different people

    For example, hitting 10 reps on a first set, then 9, then 8; I saw someone once say that when they see such small rep drop-offs, they question whether the first set/few sets were hard enough. I personally notice that if I truly push to absolute failure (i.e. really leave nothing in the tank), on...
  6. T

    Your take/thoughts on Hard Sets (e.g: 0-2 RIR)

    Hi all, Recently been seeing lots of social media posts (by reputable coaches / subject matter experts) discussing hard sets, say a top set at 0-2 RIR (often 0-1 RIR) and then some back offs with similar failure ranges to elicit 'effective reps' or stimulus, but overall still subscribing to...
  7. L

    “Renaissance periodization has jumped the shark” - Alex Bromley. Any thoughts on this video?

    I’ve been a big fan of Dr Mike. But I have noticed I’ve been overthinking shit a lot lately. Interested in a discussion about this video!
  8. V

    The MYTH of higher frequency for 'smaller' muscles b/c they recover faster?

    Beardsley, Krieger, musclephd and others have shown evidence its a myth that 'smaller' muscles recover faster even though the concept is so widely accepted nowadays. Mostly comes down to things like muscle fiber type, activation levels, joint rom, and yea size with the quads/calves/traps some of...
  9. A

    Hypertrophy after nSuns

    Hypertrophy after nSuns Hey, I’ve been running nSuns quite a few months, and I feel like I need a bit of a change and focus on hypertrophy for another few months, until I go back to powerlifting/nSuns again. My current SBD 1RM: Squat: 355lbs Bench: 290lbs DL: 440lbs I’m looking at: Jacked...
  10. P

    Fully Body vs P/P/L does it matter at all?

    I'm doing a full body routine 3 times a week for quite some time now and I'm making pretty good progress with that. But lately my stamina becomes more and more of a limiting factor so I was wondering if I should switch to a P/P/L routine which should help in that regard. I also read that you...
  11. K

    Are those Hammer Strength chest machines worthwhile for hypertrophy?

    Machines like this and this. This subreddit lacks information on them. It’s always barbell/dumbbell bench press referenced constantly. The stoppers on these machines means I can’t really get the best stretch, but are they still good for overall chest hypertrophy? I use them so that I don’t...
  12. G

    4 day split? (25 y/o)

    I’d love some assistance or wisdom from the OG’s Basically I’ve been working out for 4 years. I was doing your typical bro split for the first three years and made some pretty good gainz I think. A year ago I started this job with a 4 on 4 off schedule, 12 hour shifts. So I’ve basically been...
  13. 7

    PPLers: Which day is the most difficult for you?

    I am currently on a PPL program that I came up with on my own by reading stuff from here and there. My Leg days are the most difficult/fatigue-inducing, and Pull days come at a quite close second. Push days feel like a breeze compared to the previous two. I was wondering, how do you rank your...
  14. P

    Reverse v squat

    Does reverse v squat target quads? When I let the knees travel forward as much as possible it gives me pump similar to hack squat but I have seen somewhere that it train more abductors and glutes. Is it true?
  15. L

    Is this split any good? PPL x Arnold

    I've been going to the gym consistently for a couple of months now doing Cbum's 6-day PPL split from this video and I overall enjoy it and feel like I've seen decent progress. Recently I've decided I wanted to try something new so with the help of chat gpt and incorporating some of the lifts...
  16. M


    What is everyone's nFFMI which is normalized fat free mass index? The normalized part factors in someone's height as extremes can alter the FFMI inaccurately. Here's a link but you got to know (guesstimate) your bf%. My nFFMI is 22.1, FFMI 23.1 because I'm 6'5 so...
  17. G

    Weekly Research In Review 9/7/19

    Everything posted is pulled from what the top researchers in the community have shared this week on social media. Some studies you may be familiar with already and some are pretty recent. Examine releases highly anticipated article and review of the Ketogenic diet based on the available...
  18. J

    M 33 6’4 (193) 210 (95.25) in the midst of a cut after bulking from 200-220 (oct-feb)

    So I hit a lean bulk in October, because I was just sick of people calling me skinny and it was winter, so why not. It went really well, I kicked it up another gear with all the extra calories and rest. It did get fudged a bit since I’ve been studying now since December. I went from 200 to...
  19. N

    What is your favourite meal during a weight loss phase?

    G’day, I’ve been a long time lurker, first time poster here. I wanted to see what people’s favourite meals for a weight loss diet may be. What I’m looking for is high protein, low/mid fats, and scaleable carbohydrates. Also needs to be something that is satiating and tasty - unless bland is...
  20. B

    Bulking and van driving

    Hi guys. Bit of a different one here. Any tips for staying awake at the wheel whilst bulking? During a cut it’s not as hard, but whilst bulking I find staying awake at the wheel really difficult as a van driver. I work out at 6.15am to avoid the rush and by the time I’ve trained and got a few...