natural bodybuilding

  1. G

    [Podcast] Stronger By Science: Q&A: Training frequency, reducing caloric intake on rest days, and isometric training

    Podcast >In today’s episode, Greg and Eric share a little bit of good news, followed by a Q&A segment. Topics covered include training frequency, reducing caloric intake on rest days, strength reductions during weight loss, low-calorie diets, isometric training, and much more. Then, this week’s...
  2. V

    Top 10 exercises

    This is a bit of a basic bro question; but those Chris Williams podcasts (or whatever his name is) got me thinking. If you could only do 10 exercises forever, what would they be? Mind would be: Incline smith machine press Behind the back lateral raise Cross cable Tricep extension Incline...
  3. M

    Body part split better than upper/lower?

    I've been lifting for quite a few years, recently used the Upper/Lower scheme for 1 year, but I stalled. I'm thinking about going back to the 4 day split. What do you think about the below program? Progression on the work sets is to add weight when I reach top of the rep range on all sets...
  4. G

    Does Meal Timing Matter? - Menno Henselmans, Stronger by Science/Danny Lennon & Roberts et al

    Taken from the unofficial /r/naturalbodybuilding wiki with permission The Anabolic Window First, let's get rid of the myth of the "Anabolic Window". Article - Menno Henselmans What is the Anabolic Window? There are many studies that show workout nutrition increases protein balance and...
  5. C

    M/19/190cm [66kg to 73kg] (4.5 years)

    Progress pic: Am i doing something wrong? I feel like this is what someone would look afte ONE YEAR of lifting, not FOUR + Been lifting PPL 3x a week up until last summer when i switched to PPL 5x a week. 2 years ago i started on creatine and bulked up to 80kg and cut back down to 66kg in the...
  6. L

    Lat involvement in a vertical 'suitcase' lift (boring Q for anatomy nerds)

    Imagine I stand upright with a dumbbell in a hammer grip. I lift the dumbbell vertically while keeping my elbow tucked--NOT winged out as if I'm doing a typical upright row for side delts. So my upper arm, beginning parallel with my torso, is extending back behind the line of my torso. This...
  7. J

    Can I still gain muscle with 0.45g/lb of protein?

    Young guy doing intermittent fasting here. been very happy with eating less but as I started working out for muscle gain recently, I increased my protein intake from 0.45 to 0.73g/lb, which seems to be only bare minimum for gaining muscle but only this amount makes me feel too full to think that...
  8. K

    Glycine and N-Acetyl Cysteine?

    Does anyone take these and if so what is your experience? I've been reading quite a bit about them, watching various doctors on Youtube talking about them, reading various studies, etc... TO the point where I have bought some and I am going to try them out. A brief synopsis: " In published...
  9. K

    Long term high protein diets bad for your Kidneys? Past 5 years of research.

    I keep seeing outdated information about the effects of a high protein diet on kidney health. Just because it's inconvenient news doesn't mean we should act like it doesn't exist. Over the last 5 years multiple studies have shown High protein diets are rough on the kidneys over the very long...
  10. P

    Weekly Question Thread - Week of 9/7/2020

    In the hopes of reducing the amount of low quality, simple, and beginner posts on the sub we are going to try a weekly question thread. It would help if users keep it sorted by new and check in every few days to help people out. Week of 8/10/2020 Week of 8/17/2020 Week of 8/23/2020 Week of...
  11. H

    1.5 Weeks Out - First of 4 shows

    1.5 Week Out - First show of 4 Results of my practice peak - 1.5 weeks to the real deal No idea what to expect but it has been a journey. 71kg 5’11 Edit - Original Link doesn’t seem to be working, so fixing with individuals Link 1 Link 2 Link 3 Link 4 Link 5 Don’t know why but the...
  12. W

    Stuck in the 230s for bench press

    5’9, 160 lbs, 19 years old. Started lifting right before I turned 18. I hit 225 bench in February of 2023. Fast forward to now, I just hit 235 in july. Am I doing something wrong? Why is my bench progressing so slow. Current split is Arnold split(chest day twice a week) Wondering if I should...
  13. G

    Balancing alcohol with physique goals. What the research says

    I put a summary at the end under "Overall Conclusions" but I highly recommend reading this entirely. The caloric value of alcohol Protein: 4 calories per gram Carbs: 4 calories per gram Fats: 9 Calories per gram Alcohol: 7 calories per gram. However, some will argue that like...
  14. V

    Intermediate/Advanced Bulks

    Assuming that you’re only going to build .5lb of muscle per month or so, is a 1lb per month bulk the most you’d recommend to someone on their 3rd/4th year lifting? I don’t feel like cutting or being stagnant but don’t feel like bulking 15 pounds in the next 8 months is worth it. Whats your...
  15. C

    Renaissance Periodization App Diary

    Whaddup. Longtime lurker, sometimes commenter, and first time poster. I bought the 6 month RP hypertrophy app package, and figured I’d keep a little log here. Quick stats/background -5’11 205lbs and have been training for 15 years -Hypertrophy and bodybuilding has traditionally bored...
  16. H

    PPL or U/L

    PPL or U/L I'm having paralysis analysis so i'm asking for some help. I have been training consistently for the past 10 years. I was almost always on an U/L split. I have got a pretty nice physique with this. In the past year or 2 i have been starting to get a few overuse injuries here and...
  17. S

    8 Month Progress w/ Reddit PPL

    Background I'll keep this short and sweet and if you think I left some information out please feel free to ask. I always respond. I used to be a calisthenic freak back in my high school days, so I did loads of pull ups and other variations. A lot of dips, push ups, and hundreds of squats a...
  18. A

    I asked the AI to make my next push-pull-leg split routine. This is what it come up with. What do you think?

    Day 1: Push (Shoulders, Chest, Triceps) Warm-up: 5-10 minutes of cardiovascular exercise Compound Exercise (Heavy): Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press - 4 sets x 4-6 reps (using heavy weights with maximum effort) Intensity Technique: Rest-pause Sets - Arnold Press - 3 sets x Max reps (performing as...
  19. S

    F training for a bikini fitness comp

    I'm on this journey for quite some time with ups and downs but I made myself the goal to start competing in October. I know I have a long way to go but I also have the time to get where I want to be. Some background info: I'm a 29 year old female, mom of 2 kids and there are some pics in my...
  20. S

    Weightlifting workout builder

    A couple weeks ago I posted about "imaginary" weightlifting workout builder, I was so excited to build it, so I spent days and nights coding it, and this is my first version of the tool: The idea was to have a tool, that'd allow you to plan the workouts, making...