natural bodybuilding

  1. J

    Does anyone else think that the leg press is a superior quad builder compared to conventional barbell squats?

    When I started out lifting, I bought into the idea that the key to building big legs was simply to develop a strong squat. I started out with toothpick legs and an empty barbell and built up to around a 350 x 5 squat over the course of about 2-3 years. Whilst my legs certainly grew a lot, I...
  2. J

    To those of you who feel you've mastered pushing to true failure, do you get grindy reps no matter the exercise?

    I push to failure on pretty much every exercise. And yes the reps get somewhat slower towards the end, but I find only a handful of exercises got me grinding hard. Stuff like preacher curls, c.g. Bench, overhead tricep extensions. Are proper grinding reps something to aim for on every...
  3. A

    With progressive overload, do you guys increase the reps on your last set or your first set?

    For example, if you’re doing DB flys and set 1 is 8 x 16kg, 2nd is 10 x 14kg and the third is 8 x 14kg all to failure or 1-2 RIR, on your next session would you increase the last set to 10 x 14kg or the first set to 10 x 16kg? When i first started the gym i’d work my way up to 3 x 12 and then...
  4. T

    Advice about doing an 8 days split instead of a typical 7 day split.

    Hi everyone. So I understand that most research shows that as long as you do about 12 sets overall volume for each bodypart over the week then it doesn't make a huge difference which body split you use. For myself, I find I need a day's rest inbetween each workout. This is both for recovery and...
  5. B

    Lower/Upper/Off/Lower/Push/Pull/Off program based off of Helms' template

    I built this split off of Helms' intermediate template in his book along with several studies with volume recommendations from Schoenfeld, McDonald and Wernbom. Progression would be just simple double progression currently. Deloads every 4-6 weeks or so. I am in a surplus after a long time in...
  6. R

    Why do gear users have different Protein requirements

    This may be a stupid question, I’m just curious and trying to learn. Why is it that so many people on gear eat like 250+g protein? As a natural, do we need less, if so, why? I’m someone that naturally just loves protein and gravitates towards it, so at 160 I tend to eat 200g no problem
  7. G

    Eric Helms - Does Evidence make you work harder or less hard? Training to Failure Recommendations (Summary Included)

    Summary Timestamps: 00:52 Adequate Mechanical Tension 01:44 Training too close to failure too frequently 02:40 Supplements that work and the importance of them 03:42 Timing of carbohydrates while dieting 04:34 Protein requirements/recommendations and protein quality 5:15 Training to...
  8. M

    M 30, 5' 8.5", at 181 lbs. Looking for some critiques and advice as I begin my 28 week journey towards my OCB Men's Classic Debut

    Looking for a check in critique. I'm currently 28 weeks out from an OCB show where I intend to make my Men's Classic debut. I'm in the process leaning out and trying to dial in my physique because I am afraid of getting behind schedule on conditioning after spending the last 6ish months on a...
  9. B

    Just Finished First 5-day, Full-body Training. Here are some thoughts and the routine I followed

    Like some of you, I recently became interested in changing my routine to a full-body workout, 5 days per week. I was worried that I couldn’t handle 5 days of lifting in a row, but I watched the videos and read some posts in this sub and decided to give it a shot. As requested by at least one...
  10. S

    Any advice on lean bulking for a 5’6” 121 pounder?

    Yo, I’m currently bulking and currently at 10% body fat (pics on my profile). How much weight gain should I aim for on a weekly basis? I want majority of it to be more muscle or at least a 1:1 muscle-to-fat ratio. Is it 0.2 lbs to 0.5 lbs per week or it should be okay to reach a maximum of 1...
  11. F

    [M/36/1.8m] How long until I start seeing results from my bulking?

    Hey bros! I'm very new to lifting, only started last year but I was yoyo dieting the whole time so I didn't make too much progress, but I started bulking since exactly 30 days ago, and I don't see too much difference in the mirror, only a little bit more "belly size". I'm lifting 4 times a...
  12. J

    My experience with E.S.P. Extreme Preworkout/ stg got me high

    Ok so idk how this happened, but I used some of my buddies preworkout called E.S.P. Extreme. There is 3 different levels of the pwo. 1 scoop=1 small scoop. 2 scoops=medium scoop. 3 scoops=large scoop. 3 scoops has about 500mg of caffeine so I'm like ok ima do 2 scoops. 20 minutes in, I'm feeling...
  13. J

    Entered my first NPC Natural Men's Physique Competition this past weekend!!

    I definitely did not bulk correctly or cut correctly I would say as I started "seriously" cutting weight with my coach (I was her guinea pig) less than 12 weeks out. Just want your guys opinion on my conditioning and any recommendations you would make as I go forward in terms of natural...
  14. K

    Has anyone actually had a success story with their calves?

    Maybe i'm just not looking hard enough but I simply cannot find any convincing before/after photos of calf growth. I understand that genetics is a huge part of this (i.e. muscle insertions, growth, etc) and I also understand that it IS actually possible to increase the mass somewhat. However...
  15. N

    Stretched Pause and slow negative

    Hello, Mike Israetel is a proponent of these two methods and I have recently implented them in my training and it is definitely a different stimulus. On most exercises, the negative portion of the lift takes me 3-5 seconds, then I try to get as deep a stretch as possible and then hold the...
  16. J

    How Long to build a decent Physique

    I am I have been going to the Gym For 2 years. the first year was an L for me as my trainer was not good so I decided to hop on the web and get some research by myself I found some answers a lot by the way some of those include (they are science base by the way) : Get at least 0.8 - 1.0 gms of...
  17. W

    Made absolutely no progress in the past year when I had pretty much everything dialed in, starting to lose motivation..

    1 year comparison & my body progression over the years Please look at my bodyweight data too, I'm NOT doing maingaining As you can see, I've made virtually no progress from Aug 8, 2022 to Oct 1, 2023. I chose to compare these 2 points in time because of similar body weight. I'm generally very...
  18. J

    M/20/5'10" [57 KG to 73 KG] My one year natural progress

    I Started going to the gym on 31 Dec' 2018 and today it feels like I have actually achieved something in my life. Gym became my new life, never skipped a single day and never skipped a good night's sleep. Lots of mistakes were made and I learnt a lot from them. Diet My diet game has always...
  19. K

    A storm in a teacup

    Don't want to be rude, but some of you guys really worry about stuff that really are not that big of a deal. Really. "I train 5x a week, but I have to travel one day in the week to a super important business meeting, and unfortunatelly my hotel doesn't have a gym and I would have to skip an...
  20. P

    AMA with 2x Mr Natural O and 2x Mr Universe winner /u/BattlegroundFitLirio Friday 9Jul2020 (Post Questions Here)

    We are excited to welcome /@cy26629 to do an AMA tomorrow 9Jul2020 from 10:00-3:00 PM EST. He is the head captain of team USA and current 2x Mr Natural O and 2x Mr Universe for classic physique. Start posting questions now and he will get to answering tomorrow! Please be respectful and...