natural bodybuilding

  1. L

    Opinion on my diet

    Hello everyone, I hope you are fine. I started bodybuilding (24 M / 1m 75cm / 68 kg). I want to bulk. Can you tell me please what you think about my nutrition plan please? Breakfast: 100 g peanut butter 1 Banana 2 yogurt Activia Lunch: ·Salad: 300 g potato + 100 g carrots 3 eggs...
  2. D

    How do you respond (and deal with it internally) when someone asks you if you are “still lifting”?

    I get it, we’re natties. Not being obviously muscular in normal clothes is our cross to bear. But, dangit, it’s happened twice this week and it sucks. I’m 2 years in and am still getting these comments. I mean, I’m relatively happy with my progress but still. Ugggg! Edit: Thanks for the...
  3. C

    Novice strength levels - 0-1 rep a week even in calorie surplus, high protein, good sleep

    I’m still at novice levels of strength (22kg bench press) and I gain strength soooo slow it’s ridiculous! I get over 1g/1lb of body weight in protein, I get good sleep, I’m doing a good amount of volume, I’m not deficient in nutrients, form is great. Why the hell do I progress so slowly? It’s...
  4. F

    Time and time again the guys adding the most LBM/density are the ones focused on moving big loads (regardless of rep range)

    Ive made posts about this before but it seems time and time again the guys who are adding the most LBM/density to their physique are the ones focused on moving big loads in their training (regardless of rep range). AJ Morris' recent post is a perfect example, and it confuses me b/c his style...
  5. B

    Whey Protein Substitute

    For all of my high school years I drank whey protein and got significant mass and strength gains. I was the heaviest I've ever been and pound-for-pound stronger than I've ever been. I realized I was allergic to whey and it gives me bad acne (verified again 2 months ago @22 y/o), so I stopped...
  6. S

    Lower/Upper/Lower for 3 days in a row, and then rest 1, and Upper again, and rest 2. Is it okay?

    Is this okay to workout upper lower 3 days in a row? It won't affect recovery or anytbing? I usually see upper/Lower for two days in a row and then rest for one, then upper/lower again for two more days. My schedule would be Lower Upper Lower (Tue-Thur), Off Fri, Upper (Saturday), Off Sunday and...
  7. P

    First Bodybuilding Show - Recap

    Apologies for the long post, but I just wanted to share with you all my journey to stepping on a bodybuilding stage for the first time. I'm 25 and I've been training for around 10 years now, but most of this time was spent messing around without any tracking or specific goals in mind. I got into...
  8. J

    Someone explain how hypertrophy works please :D

    Hypertrophy means 3x12 or 6-8 Reps and is supposed to be the best rep count for muscle growth. But I do not really feel my muscles burning after like 6-8 Reps. Now you would say, put on more weight. Makes sense, but with more weight, I feel like uncomfortable joint pain or the tendon hurt...
  9. S

    Workout planner tool inspired by 3DMJ's book Muscle & Strength pyramid

    I recently finished the 3DMJ's books - the training pyramid and the nutrition pyramid. They're so awesome! Probably the best books I've read so far on lifting and nutrition. It felt a bit tricky to apply the program building principles in practice. For nutrition, they have FitGenie app (which...
  10. C

    How to optimize deload week nutritionally?

    Hello all noble natties, I am currently on reading week and will not be able to get in the gym for about a week, which I'm okay with since my body is beat up anyways from training hard 7 days a week for 5 weeks straight, and running an UL split before that. I am currently 187lb and between...
  11. M

    How to integrate running to strength training? What's your experience with running?

    I post this here because I feel I might receive better responses on balancing these two sports: sorry for the long post! Over the last year, I've been drawn more and more towards running; I don't just want to add running as a form of cardio, I want to improve on it (let's say, 10km @ 43m). That...
  12. H

    (20m)Advice on workout plans to follow in order to build muscle? Any feedback on the program I found?

    (20M)Advice on workout plans? And feedback on the program I tried following? Ive been lifting for about 4 months, however I’ve stopped going to the gym for the last half of November and until today, since I plan going to the gym later this evening. However, I felt as though I need a regime in...
  13. K

    switch to 2 d/w or do something else?

    Usually, I visit gym 3 times a week and repeat the same upper body program (I do not do legs for several personal reasons). I noticed that when I go to gym 2 times a week I can do a bit more reps (or more weight) that when I go 3 times. On the one hand, this "a bit" does not compensate...
  14. W

    Took your guys' advice and built myself a custom program, feedback welcomed

    I made a post last week about my physique plateau and a lot of people suggested I build my own program, so I built myself a modified PPL program. It's my first time building a program so I wanted to get some feedback. Program Details arm is a focus and trained every other day (2 direct arm...
  15. C

    Banned from gym for bringing a guest

    I’m just so dumbfounded and pissed off still I didn’t know where to post this. As the title says- I was banned from my gym for bringing in a guest after hours. It’s a 24/7 gym and we showed up around 10pm and left at 11:30. I’ve been going to this place for 2 years and this is the first time...
  16. M

    Am I working out wrong? .... 22y/o - 5'8" - 147 Lb

    Yo whatsup r/bodybuilding, Here is what I look like now: I'm 5'8 - 147 LB - 22Years old Posting here because i'm getting really frustrated with the way my body is developing. I'm clearly doing something wrong because my chest looks flatter than a cat ran over by a semi. I've been "working...
  17. R

    Advice ??

    L Former fat dude here, been into running to lose most of my weight, went from 270-170 as of this morning, def have a skinny fat frame with a little man boobs and a belly still, been in the gym consistently for the past 3 weeks with a locked in diet, was looking for advice on weather I should be...
  18. C

    RP Hypertrophy App Update, Mesocycle 3

    Hey y’all Back again with another mesocycle update Some changes: This is mesocycle 3, 6 weeks long (as opposed to 4 for the first, 5 for the second) I made this one a little more “powerlifting” with my rep range test week and kept my bench to 225x10, safety bar squat to 335x8, and sumo...
  19. G

    How are most of workout routines full of junk volume?

    Hello, Recently I've been thinking of how is it possible there is so much training programs, very well evaluated by users, which are full of junk volume, too many exercises, too many sets per workout and overall volume? F.e. Kong routine, PHAT routine, Bullmastiff and many more. There is like 4...
  20. N

    Loose skin makes it unclear how much bodyfat I have

    I have loose skin from a significant weight loss many years ago. The weight is gone, but the skin is still there. Here are some pictures, with a pump. I'm currently cutting (started...