natural bodybuilding

  1. C

    7 months into lifting, feeling like I'm not doing good enough.

    Hitting a period of self doubt and lacking motivation. Came here to see if I need to be pushing myself harder as I don't have any gym friends to talk to in regards to my progress. I have just taken photographs under the same lighting ~ 3 months apart & honestly I can't see much difference upon...
  2. E

    What Apps do y’all use to track your meals/calories nowadays?

    Howdy y’all :) I’m not new to the gym by any means, but last time I attempted to bulk smart phones weren’t really a thing lol; I’d appreciate knowing what’s good past constantly carrying a little notebook on me. I’m already loving Strong for tracking my workouts, and figure I can wring some more...
  3. C

    Workout split PPL X Arnold

    Sunday (push) 3chest 2triceps 2shoulders Monday (pull) 4back 2biceps 1shoulder Tuesday (legs) 2quads 1glutes 1hamstring 2calfs Wednesday (chest&back)3chest 4back Thursday (arms&shoulders) 2biceps 2triceps 3shoulders Note I can only take the weekends off
  4. O

    Stalling on lifts (outside first one of the workout) - advice needed

    Been training on and off for about 8 years. Height 5ft8. Current bodyweight 75kg at around 12-15% bf I would guess. Current strength: Bench: 85kg for 10 reps OHP: 55kg for 10 reps Lat Pull-down: 88kg for 10 reps Squat: 100kg for 5 reps Currently running a PPL split but done 4x per week. (e.g...
  5. N

    Best workout app?

    So, I know this has probably been covered before in this subreddit, but I'm new here and I wanted to ask :p What would be the best workout app out there? Preferably I would be looking for features like workout plans, showing exercises for different muscle groups, using different equipment or no...
  6. B

    Unconventional training methods

    I'm interested in any kind of unconventional methods/training programs that bodybuilders have been using through the years. If you know of such methods, feel free to link or tell us about it. A few examples: Dorian Yates - HIT (Blood & Guts) Eugen Sandow - light dumbbell system Frank Caltas...
  7. M

    Need dome advice

    So i've been going to the gym for a few weeks, still a beginner, although i've done some lifting when i was even younger. I'm currently following this variation of the Alpha Destiny Novice Program 3 times a week ( : - Day A: Squat 3/5x5 (Sets...
  8. V

    How do you exit a fat loss phase (nutrition and training)

    So the title. How do you guys exit a fat loss phase? Do you directly bump the calories up to maintenance or slight surplus or take a reverse dieting approach? What macros do you reintroduce and at what rate? Also how do you factor in the training volume at this point, since it might have been...
  9. L

    Arms sets

    How do you handle you arm sets, also do you include forearms in them? i currently do 18 sets per week (9 per biceps, 9 per triceps), would you add 1 day for forearms?
  10. T

    How to train for a small and aesthetic waist?

    Hey there, so I'm wondering if there's a way in which abs can be trained for the waist to stay small and defined, and therefore providing a stronger V-taper illusion. I am currently training them twice a week, staring with heavy cable crunches followed by leg raise variations, basically just...
  11. P

    Does Height Matter?

    I'm currently 8 weeks out from my first competition. Yesterday I posted a check-in to r/bodybuilding and got a very mixed response: some saying I lack size, but some encouraging comments as well saying I look good for a 6'4" natty. So that got me wondering how much of a difference does height...
  12. C

    Renaissance Periodization Hypertrophy App-week 9

    Hey y’all, Reached the end of my second mesocycle on the Renaissance periodization hypertrophy app (web app) What I learned from this second block -I miss strength work a lot -working in an even higher rep range than the mesocycle before didn’t seem to yield the same results, but I’m...
  13. B

    Nutrition help

    I'm a 33 yo male, currently at 169.5lbs. I am skinny fat and started cutting by eating 1500 calories. While I did build some muscle and lost fat at the same time, advice on reddit/my own research suggested that I was severely undereating. I then slowly increased my calories to 1750 for 10 days...
  14. M

    Advice for my split

    So I have been working out for a little over three months on this split (m: rest t: legs w: back bicep core th: Chest shoulders triceps f: rest sa: chest shoulderd tricep su: back bicep core) I am a 29 year old 170 pound male and a full time painter and i have noticed gains, I'm up from 150...
  15. T

    Tips to help U/L programming (HIT?) - how to ensure I do a bit of the minimum weekly dosage?

    Hi all, Currently on a 4x @sandys split that suits my own schedule. I try to employ a HIT mindset, also because it's a bit more time-friendly and I can bang shit out. The Leg days are fairly okay, given I do something like (twice a week): 3x - Squat + leg extensions / (Smith Squats + leg...
  16. A

    A former Mr. O said something that got me thinking more about using machines in the gym

    I was fortunate enough to go to the fit expo in Los Angeles this weekend and as trying every protein shake known to man, I got to hear some of the past Mr. O's speak. During one question and answer session Dexter Jackson said something that made me think. I was hoping maybe we could talk about...
  17. T

    I bulked 4 months, then cut for 2.5, and I'm back where I started

    I've been lifting for 2 years now, and have become frustrated with my lack of growth. My lifts are in the Intermediate range, but I think I should be gaining muscle a lot faster, and I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. I'm 5'11", 165lbs, relatively lean (you can see my abs, but not the bottom...
  18. T

    Complete workout app for the best programs and the ability to create your own

    Hey everyone. After thorough research and coding, I've made an Android/iOS workout app which many of you might find handy: Android version iOS version Essentially it lets you follow Starting Strength and other programs including: - StrongLifts - GreySkull - Wendler 531 - nSuns 531 -...
  19. B

    Most Trainees Lift Too Far Away From Failure (discussion)

    From this article: The article goes on to discuss a meta-analysis which found something similar. What is your guys' take on this? Seems to me like this is confirmation for those pushing progressive overload and the "+1...
  20. H

    Grow them Glutes

    I've been bodybuilding, strength training, powerlifting for around 15 years now and my freakin' Glutes will not grow..... Contrary to popular believe, leg day is my favorite day. But no matter how much focus, weight, exercises, rep-weight-set combos, my butt is almost concave... My question to...