petite fitness

  1. J

    Sometimes…it just comes down to grit🤷🏾‍♀️

    It’s so fascinating to watch how fitness influencers and social media has viewed fitness from the time I got into it (around 2017/18 to now). I feel like the tone and way people regard health and fitness has turned a bit…enabling sometimes?? Don’t bring out the pitchforks, but let me explain...
  2. C

    Anyone here taking "diet breaks"?

    This video from MissFitandNerdy is seriously making me consider doing 2-3 week cutting cycles instead of continuously dieting. I've been in a 500 cal deficit for 2 weeks now (5,3ft, 130lbs, eating 1400-1500cals), and I've lost 2,5lbs which I'm happy about. I'm considering doing a maintenance...
  3. J


    Soo... I hear everyone is lifting weights. And it helps you lose weight. So knowing literally nothing I start trying to lift weights at home because I can't go to the gym . . Welllll.. I hurt my back. Probably not bad it's like a pinched nerve or something. It was feeling a small amount better...
  4. J

    Fitness advice for 5'2" female feeling stagnant

    5'2" female aged 29, weight ~125, been weightlifting for almost 6 years without any bulking or cutting cycles until recently (I am doing a lean bulk starting a month ago). I eat 1800-2000 calories and maintain there. I rarely do cardio and lift 4-5 times a week for about an hour and half...
  5. N

    Diet Q

    Is it healthy to eat unprocessed ground beef daily? I’ve heard many people say/ read articles about how it causes heart disease, but I’ve also seen articles where science has overturned that belief. I track food/ eat 1300-1400 calories a day and see no change. I think a no carb/ no sugar diet...
  6. H

    What type weights to use next/ experiences

    I am currently training with 7,5kg dumbbells i wanna go up in weight and i like the aspect of dumbbells bc i can improve coordination, stability and increase posture awareness. The problem is the weights r not 100% ideal for some areas they r a bit so heavy for others ideal and for others...
  7. B

    How to calm down after weight loss?

    For context, I’m 5’1” and started at 175 lbs, currently at 134 lbs. I’ve been stuck in the 130s for the past 6 months, but I’m assuming it’s mostly muscle since I think I’m still losing weight (i.e., pants I bought a month and a half ago are already way too big.) To lose weight I have been...
  8. K

    Can’t slim arms (they get bulkier) 😫

    I’m 5’3”, just got down 7 pounds thanks to very recently (three weeks ago) getting on birth control and metformin (PCOS… even after working out consistently w good eating habits since January). I understand that you cannot target weight loss, but for some reason, my arms are always so bulky...
  9. S

    75 soft

    Going to start today committing to : Deficit calories 8k steps at least, 10 k goal 60 oz of water 15 minutes of meditation At least 30 mins of body movement, preferably 60 Anyone wanna join? Im 5’1 and 114lbs trying to get back to 109 Post accountability in 75 soft Day1 :)
  10. A

    I went off track for FOUR DAYS and I gained 3 pounds. Just feeling really frustrated. 5’2” SW 125 GW 120 CW 126.6

    I’m just really upset. For the past 3 months I’ve been pretty damn good on my health journey. Tracking all my macros/cals, working out 4-5 times a week, getting my steps in. Started at 125 and got down to 122 and have stayed around 122/123. Starting Friday I didn’t track what I ate and I...
  11. S

    I tried Factor, Fresh N’ Lean, BistroMD, Hungryroot, and Daily Harvest – here are my thoughts on them

    Over the last couple of years, I’ve tried a lot of meal delivery services in an effort to save time, eat healthier, and lose a few pounds. I decided to post this on the petite sub first because as someone on the short side (4’11”) I know it’s harder to lose weight and eat a filling meal that is...
  12. D


    I’m kind of new to lifting. I have been working out but not following a specific plan, which is why I think I’m not seeing better results. Here’s a little more info about me: Gender: female Age: 21 Height: 5’4 Weight: 114 lbs Goal: gain weight and build muscle I have seen good results...
  13. N

    How the heck do I prevent DOMS???

    I haven’t been too consistent in working out. I just started doing Whitney Simmons ‘Alive’ program. I had one leg day… O N E… and it has taken me 2 days to stop being in so much pain. Perhaps I over did it, but I want to make my legs stronger. Not just my legs. My knees as well. Any advice...
  14. C

    I’m response to my last post: what’s that one food that you know is good for you or is a lower calorie option that you just refuse to eat?

    Raw spinach: sautéed with some garlic and soy sauce? Yes absolutely. Raw? I don’t like it, please don’t make me eat it. Grapefruit: I genuinely don’t know how people like this. It’s so bitter and I can get my vitamin C elsewhere Plain egg whites: I’ve tried them every which way and I just...
  15. J

    I’m 5’4.5 and I weigh 146

    …I’d like to get to 120, and I’m wondering how many grams of protein per day I should have. I walk every day on the treadmill for 45 minutes and I move a bit at work (hairdresser). I get between 90 grams and 110 grams of protein a day. Is this too much? Thanks!
  16. G

    Any advice for a 5’1/F/30/158 pounds looking to lose 30 pounds

    I been trying to lose weight forever I just joined Weight watchers. I never tend to stick to a diet and I hate working out but recently I saw a really unflattering video of me on my ring door bell LOL and I couldn’t believe that was me. I’m determined to get this weight off. My major issue is...
  17. P

    Help with calorie deficits

    I recently started working out. I train upper body 5 days a week and legs once a week. I do 5 exercises for each part. Three sets of 10-15 reps. I thereafter do cardio where I wait her walk for the treadmill on 12 incline at 5 km/h for 20-40 minutes or a I do a fatloss session which has...
  18. S

    Input requested: I feel like I have plateaued….how do I strengthen and lose fat?

    Hi Reddit, I’ve been browsing this sub for a long time and have gathered a lot of good information but am struggling with how I should proceed to hit my goal of losing fat and continuing to get stronger. Any input would be appreciated! Background: 38f, 5’1” 117 lbs, almost 2 years postpartum...
  19. E

    I’m so upset…

    Girlies…I’ve been choking down sickly sweet electrolytes every morning for two years during my workouts and hating it. So I finally bit the bullet and ordered LMNT and I’m PISSED about how much I like it. FFS I’m going to go broke 😂😂😂 (not sponsored I swear. But LMNT please hmu)
  20. M

    An experiment: weight fluctuations - comments welcome

    Hey girls! So I wanted to share something that’s happened to me over the past couple of weeks. So this time two weeks ago I weighed 2.4kg less than I do today! My clothes feel tighter and I genuinely feel denser. I know realistically you can’t gain this much weight in such a short period of...