petite fitness

  1. S

    Looking for advice F 5’2” 215lbs

    I’m currently at the biggest weight I’ve ever been. Im so exhausted and my back hurts all the time. I have no motivation to work out and my diet goes from being ok to over indulging. I know in theory of to lose weight but I don’t know how start.
  2. S

    advancing my gym journey

    Hi! First time poster here, so sorry if i'm all over the place. I've been going to the gym since february about 5 times a week. However, I do have a history of disordered eating which spiked during those months. i would love to put on some more muscle, especially in my quads and glutes, as well...
  3. S

    Any other petite girlies with high deficits?

    I’m 15F SW71kg CW64kg 5’1 I workout 6 days a week at home for about 1 hour and a half or two hours, thursdays always for rest, I try to lift weights 3 days a week. My maintenance in cals is 2300, to lose 0.5kg a week my maintenance is 1800. Which I eat less than non intentionally. I used to...
  4. S

    Vent …. I feel hopeless

    I know this may trigger many overweight / obese people but - I am skinny and I hate it. Growing up I was always petite and I always struggle to gain weight. Now that I’m a young adult , I desperately want to put flesh on my body. I’m underweight (under 100 pounds) and 5’2 , I feel like I...
  5. J

    Help with my (30f) routine – Caroline Girvan

    Hi all! I'm a long time lurker on this sub looking for some advice about my routine. I have no idea where I stand really and whether what I'm doing makes sense. I went from sedentary to working out seriously little over a year and a half ago. I used to do a lot of cardio, but my focus has...
  6. M

    For those of you who’ve recruited a professional, how’d it go?

    Could be anything - a dietician, nutritionist, a personal trainer. Even going to your doctor. How much did it help you on your journey?
  7. L

    Can’t lose 5 lbs

    Help! I’ve been trying to lose 5 lbs for a year and nothing happens no matter what I do. Started a new workout regime (lagree pilates 2-3x a week) 2 months ago after years of peloton and HIIT. Also started monitoring calories 2 months ago via Noom. I am hovering around 131 -132 and cannot get to...
  8. P

    Is 1600 calories a good deficit?

    So 40f 145lb 5’3” I have recently begun to really count my calories. Before I was not too serious but I want to lose 20 more pounds to get to my goal weight of 125lbs. I lift 3-4x a week, workouts usually last 1 hour to 1 1/2 hours. My tdee says maintenance is 2,010 calories and my bmr says...
  9. K

    31yo 5’3” 131lbs: Did a Dexa Scan yesterday that has me absolutely shook… found out I’m OBESE with 35% body fat percentage

    Here’s my dexa scan results! I knew I was depressed and overeating, but OBESE?? Never thought I’d use that word for myself as someone who’s always been “thin” and it’s really messing with my head. Healthy BMI, never weighed more than 133lbs, have always and still fit in my size 4 jeans, 27in...
  10. J

    I’ve been in a Plateau for the past four months.. what do I do?

    I’m 5ft 27F and I’ve been following the same schedule since the beginning of the year I started at 148 and I’m down to a fluctuating weight of 140 to 144. In the beginning I was actually losing weight but now I’ve been stuck at this weight for the past four months. I follow a M/W/F workout...
  11. J

    I don’t know how much I’m supposed to weigh

    I’ve been weight lifting since Thanksgiving of last year, with a month-long break in April due to injury and vacation, and for the most past, I’ve been excited to see how many body has changed. I lost 15 pounds doing HIIT before weightlifting, but this morning I stepped on the scale and I was...
  12. L

    Opinions on calories - going from weight loss to building muscle

    Hello everyone! I’m feeling at a loss regarding how much I should be eating. I am 4’9” and recently lost 30 pounds (123 to 93). I was eating an average of 1300 kcal per day. My activity level is about 8,000 steps per day, and I do Olympic-style weightlifting twice per week (snatches...
  13. N

    Just for fun: what’s everyone’s favorite fitness/health “fact” that’s been debunked?

    There is all sorts of influencers and stuff that share all these “facts” on health and fitness. I am curious as to what everyone’s like favorite one that’s been debunked but you still see everyone. Mine has to be anything that has to do with people that will talk about how the toxins in stuff...
  14. G

    Why Asians are overweight/obese at lower BMIs

    In response to a now locked post, whose OP is an Asian teen, I wanted to address the comments regarding the lower BMI cutoffs for overweight and obese for Asian and Pacific Islanders compared to the cutoffs used for other races. At a BMI of 26 the OP was considered obese, though by American...
  15. E

    Ready to commit to a healthier lifestyle and focus on my fitness goals but don’t know where to start

    I used to very active and danced/trained 5x a week. I quit dancing in 2021 and ever since then completely let myself go. I stopped staying active and stopped caring about taking care of my body and what I ate. I put on about 20 lbs and the past 6 months, it’s definitely had an effect on my...
  16. D

    Shoutout to the PF Redditor that suggested Lagree classes!

    Holy moly! That's all I have to say. What an effective 40 minutes. We don't have Lagree here but we have X'Core. I had no idea pilates and reformer pilates had a newer generation of workouts that really hits the major muscle groups. I'm going to alternate reformer pilates (feels like it gets...
  17. E

    Any 4’9 - 5’0 ladies eat more than 1500 calories?

    So I use to have a binge eating disorder and just recovering now. Also have some health issues so I’m now upping my calories to 1400 as a start. I just wanted to know if any short ladies are eating more and how often they work out? Also just FYI, nothing wrong with any calories intake, I just...
  18. H

    How has weight loss affected your bra size?

    I’m curious to know what changes in breast size some of y’all have seen since losing weight. I’ve also had large breasts despite a 5’1 frame. I started regularly attending spin class and strength training since the end of January, combined with CICO, cutting alcohol and getting 7-8 hours of...
  19. W

    Nothing is working

    5’2 32 years old and I’m at my heaviest 150 pounds. Since Covid I reached 130 lbs and have been fluctuating between 130 and 148 since last year but I’m shocked that the scale that I’ve been avoiding is 150. I’ve gained 20 pounds in 6 months 😔. My lowest weight has been 130 lbs since 2020 and it...
  20. B

    7 Tips for Mastering Your Menstrual Cycle: Strategies for Effective Training and Nutrition

    1) Embrace energy fluctuations: View low-energy weeks as an opportunity for future success, and start referring to them as “building weeks.” You may feel like you only have one exceptional "peak" week at the gym to push your limits, and that might be true. Consider this week as your benchmark...