petite fitness

  1. A

    16 Months to get a revenge body

    Disclaimer - my goals are mainly to lose weight and gain muscle for health and fitness reasons, and entirely for myself to feel better in my own skin However... Next August I'll be attending a wedding that my cheating ex-fiance and his new wife will also be attending, and I'm not going to lie...
  2. Q

    how to workout and build muscle ‘properly’

    so after a long miserable time of just restricting calories and nothing else ive finally decided to try building muscle and eating better instead. the problem is i have no idea where to start, i’m really scared of doing something wrong and injuring myself or building the wrong muscles and...
  3. Y

    losing progress

    I have been working out 5-6 days a week for around 4 or 5 years... Last month, I was sick for around 2 weeks and could not workout. During this time i have gained some weight. I started working out again today. have u experienced this before? how long did it take for you to get ur progress back...
  4. M

    A weird trick I just discovered

    Apparently taking your B vitamins can help with appetite. I started taking a B complex every day recently for reasons unrelated to weight loss (mostly related to my hair lol). I know the topic of vitamins can be controversial and many people say there’s no point to them, but… I noticed ever...
  5. W

    Day one…again

    Accountability post. I’ve been focusing on rebuilding my mental and financial health but in this process I’ve lost so much muscle tone and gained five pounds. I keep starting and stopping and it’s not ok. I miss my muscles! I’m posting this for me to say I can do it this time, I will do it and I...
  6. E

    What’s the benefit of recomping?

    I keep reading posts here about recomping saying it takes years - so why is it preferable to bulking and cutting if that’s so much faster? I’m 5’0 115 lbs but with more body fat than I’d care for - is there any reason I shouldn’t cut to like 110 on a high protein diet while lifting then just bulk?
  7. M

    Having surgery and can’t exercise for up to 2 weeks

    As the title suggests, I (5’2” / 54.7kg) am having surgery and have been instructed that I can’t engage in any rigorous activity for 2 weeks that will make me sweat, because sweating could lead to an infection. Also, as I’ll have stitches, I’ll need to be careful not to accidentally tear them...
  8. K

    My summer plan

    Hey there! I’m 5’2 and 215 pounds. I gained about 75 pounds over 3 years. I’m a first year teacher and I’m so excited to take this paid time off to really focus on myself and my health. I have a plan I’ve created and wanted some input on it! -daily yoga -glutes 3x a week (just want to see how...
  9. S

    I am so mad at myself for not strength training sooner

    I felt the “rant” flair was the most appropriate, though I’m basically ranting about myself, lol. I’ve finally added strength training in because I’ve stalled for a hot minute in weight loss, and honestly got bored of doing so much cardio all the time. I’m amazed at how good I feel with even...
  10. M

    7/8 Target joylab pants

    I have been searching for some new pants and my Target finally restocked. It's frustrating that now you can't try on clothes in the store, so I thought I'd post. Sadly, if you're under 5'0 (I'm 4'10, 130), I think you'll find them too long. I think they were about 2 inches too long for me and...
  11. V

    Will increasing ny calories help my bmr get back to normal?

    To give a bit of context. I am 5'4 (F) 23 years old, 121-123 b. At around 21-23 % body fat. I weightlift 1 hour 5x a week. Do a fun cardio on Saturdays and I have a sedentary job but I hit 11k steps every day during my morning calls in my walking pad. I am not new to weightlifting but I took a...
  12. A

    Struggling to understand the concept of “water weight” and why it shouldn’t count. Shouldn’t it?

    To me, it seems silly to measure “weight vs water weight” or really to track down to a single pound at all. I don’t get why we should do it, or what it’s for. I hope this post doesn’t come off as judgy or rude. I genuinely don’t understand what the point of classifying water weight vs. regular...
  13. J

    Is it true a small amount of fat is more visible on petite people?

    I am only asking this question because I ( F 21 5’3 128lbs) have 8 lbs left until I reach my gw (120lbs) yet i still have a belly. Im wondering if it is true that as a petite woman those 8 lbs could really change a lot.
  14. S

    I’m 38. I’ve been told I won’t get to what I was even when I was 34

    I was in the best shape of my life at 34. I’m now around the weight as I was at 34, it’s just I lost some muscle and have a higher body fat percentage so it doesn’t look the same. Some say at my age it’s normal. Kind of sad that people act as if 38 is old? It’s really sad that a woman will get...
  15. S

    Where to shop

    So I’m 5’2” and in the past year went from around 140 lbs, size 6-8 to around 115 lbs, size 0 or smaller. Where on earth do y’all buy adult clothes that actually fit?
  16. B

    Need help for losing bf% for a skinny person

    I’m f28 5’1 40kg. A little background about myself, I used to be at around 45-47kg 5 months ago, but I became so frustrated with how big my belly is considering i’m in the normal range of weight. So, uneducated me decided to eat below 800 cal a day and do cardio 5x a week hoping that would make...
  17. B

    How do you find time to get in 10k steps a day? (Plus a general question about time management.)

    I notice both here and in other subs folks mention that they log 10K+ steps a day on top of regular workouts. How do you squeeze all those steps in time-wise? I live in a walkable metro area, and even on a busy bustling day (i.e. if I force myself to get to a co-working space instead of...
  18. J

    Activity Level Advice

    I don’t know if this is considered “active” or “heavy activity” or even “lightly active” in the TDEE calculators… Mon - Fri every day = 30 min stationary bike 30-40 min walk/run (like 10-15 min mile here, let’s not go crazy) 20min yoga(m/w/f) / weightlifting (Tue/Th) Weekends are usually...
  19. Y

    Are clothes getting bigger or is it just me? 5'2,160lbs, size 8, and fitting smalls???

    I'm in my 30s and I haven't been 160 lbs since high school (so at least 20 years) . I understand that the muscle I've built changed my shape and I'm more lean but it's no way I should be fitting into a size small! I'm not "thin" by any means and my bra size is a 32 J (GG). I was a size 12 last...
  20. A

    How many calories and protein should I eat a day as a 5’5 116 ibs female?

    I'm on a mission to achieve a leaner physique. Currently, I lift weights 4-5 times a week, but I'm struggling with the nutritional aspect of my journey. I’m "skinny fat", I'm unsure about whether I should focus on eating more or less, and whether I should aim to gain or lose weight. Could...