
  1. R

    Upper/lower split volume

    What do you think about this upper/lower split? Is it too much volume? I have about 8 months experience of lifting.
  2. C

    Team ATP Discounted Coaching

    First off, appreciate Danny and the mod team for letting me post this as we aren’t running the “Self Promotion Sunday” threads anymore. For those who I haven’t interacted with over the years, I’m Dr. James. Retired mod, active competitor, coach, business owner, and doctor of physical therapy...
  3. R

    Jeff Nippard’s New Exercises

    Have you all seen his TikTok highlighting some “new” exercises that he recommends in his new pure hypertrophy program? Link below: To me, it’s a bit wild. I usually think of Jeff as one of the “no-bs” fitness influencers, but I guess you have to continue to...
  4. K

    Mentzer consolidation(ish) review

    tl;dr I tried something akin to Mentzer's consolidation program for 6ish weeks, I could see how it could probably work in the appropriate situation given some tweaks. Like most of us, I have been hearing about Mentzer's ideology from the fitness talking heads over the past 6 mos - 1 yr. I read...
  5. M

    Rate my Workout

    After only doing cardio on/off the last few years, I decided to force myself to start lifting instead, not using my schedule as an excuse anymore. I try to, if possible at least do 20-60 mins on the cross trainer a day, 50 ish minutes of e-biking daily to/from. I aim to loose about 20 kgs and...
  6. S

    Lower/Upper/Lower for 3 days in a row, and then rest 1, and Upper again, and rest 2. Is it okay?

    Is this okay to workout upper lower 3 days in a row? It won't affect recovery or anytbing? I usually see upper/Lower for two days in a row and then rest for one, then upper/lower again for two more days. My schedule would be Lower Upper Lower (Tue-Thur), Off Fri, Upper (Saturday), Off Sunday and...
  7. M

    How to integrate running to strength training? What's your experience with running?

    I post this here because I feel I might receive better responses on balancing these two sports: sorry for the long post! Over the last year, I've been drawn more and more towards running; I don't just want to add running as a form of cardio, I want to improve on it (let's say, 10km @ 43m). That...
  8. W

    Took your guys' advice and built myself a custom program, feedback welcomed

    I made a post last week about my physique plateau and a lot of people suggested I build my own program, so I built myself a modified PPL program. It's my first time building a program so I wanted to get some feedback. Program Details arm is a focus and trained every other day (2 direct arm...
  9. T

    What are some lifts you didn't use to rate, but have grown to love?

    I have recently come back to doing dumbbell flyes after not having them in my program for like a year and damn, they are MASSACRING my chest. I used to rate it as a C-tier movement, now it makes me sore and pumped like nothing else. What are some lifts you used to dislike, or just not get much...
  10. C

    So systemic MRV isn’t real, same with local MRV?

    So I just watched a video from Meno Hanseman where he explains how CNS fatigue/systemic fatigue doesn’t really exist in weight training, it’s more for endurance athletes. So now I’m thinking is it the same for local muscle MRV? Is there a maximum amount of volume you can do for a muscle before...
  11. S

    Help with routine while on shift work

    I recently started to lift again and I'm looking to follow more of a routine. Rarely do I have time to workout on a 12 hour workday, which is: Week 1:M-work T-work W-off T-off F-Work S-work S-work Week 2:M-off T-off W-work T-work F-off S-off S-off I appreciate the help, thanks!
  12. R

    6 day bro split

    6 day bro split Yes yes, the bro split. I know it’s not optimal. I know i should be doing PPL twice a week. But I hate PPL, makes me feel miserable and hate working out. Something about just getting into the gym and completely obliterating only one muscle makes me smile and excited. Now...
  13. J

    Is there a 'formula' to help determine the appropriate rep range to use from the 5-30 range for a specific exercise?

    People often say that the number of repetitions doesn't matter as long as you're training to failure or near failure, and any range between 5 and 30 works. However, this isn't the best answer because performing deadlifts or squats at the upper end of that range is not optimal; they are typically...
  14. B

    Go from 225 - 275 bench 4 x 8

    Hello guys, I currently do close grip bench press and I’m able to do 225 for 4 x 8. If I want to at some point work with 275 for 4 x 8 what exactly is required? I have lifted for 12 years now consistently and I don’t have an advanced bench, while bulking multiple times. I currently weight...
  15. B

    Full RoM or heavier squat

    Hello everyone, I always had trouble going very deep on squat. When I go to full range of motion ( eg 90° that’s it ) I tend to feel my ass more and not so much my quads. In this situation would you recommend going heavier with a lesser range of motion or keep working at full range ? Thanks...
  16. M

    Help me fix this pull day

    Couple days ago, it was my pull day which consisted in: • Close neutral grip lat pulldown, 2 sets, 8-10 reps • Wide grip pronated low cable (gironda) row for upper back, 3 sets, 8-10 reps • Single arm low cable row, narrow trajectory for lats: 2 sets, 8-10 reps, last set to failure • Wide...
  17. R

    Starting new program

    I am starting my new program soon. Seriously want to break past this 155-165 bench press that I’ve stalled at for most of the year. I got my sleep as good as it’ll get 5.5-6.5 hours on my scheduled work days and 7-8ish on my days off. Have about a year of experience counting macros, trying keto...
  18. M

    How to integrate running to strength training? What's your experience with running?

    I post this here because I feel I might receive better responses on balancing these two sports: sorry for the long post! Over the last year, I've been drawn more and more towards running; I don't just want to add running as a form of cardio, I want to improve on it (let's say, 10km @ 43m). That...
  19. P

    Lateral Raises at the end of every workout

    What do you guys think about ending each workout with some Lateral raise work? Even a few quick drop sets and/or rest-pause. Basically I love bodybuilding bro/pro splits, but I am obsessed with trying to have huge (side) delts. So I came up with this idea. My logic is 3-fold: It's probably...
  20. S

    Muscle imbalances

    Hey! I’m curious what people have successfully done to fix muscle imbalances. I’m left handed and have noticed for a few years that my R side muscles are generally smaller. I think this stemmed from an injury about 2.5 years ago to my shoulder which I never had examined and let heal over a few...