
  1. M

    How to integrate running to strength training? What's your experience with running?

    I post this here because I feel I might receive better responses on balancing these two sports: sorry for the long post! Over the last year, I've been drawn more and more towards running; I don't just want to add running as a form of cardio, I want to improve on it (let's say, 10km @ 43m). That...
  2. W

    Took your guys' advice and built myself a custom program, feedback welcomed

    I made a post last week about my physique plateau and a lot of people suggested I build my own program, so I built myself a modified PPL program. It's my first time building a program so I wanted to get some feedback. Program Details arm is a focus and trained every other day (2 direct arm...
  3. T

    What are some lifts you didn't use to rate, but have grown to love?

    I have recently come back to doing dumbbell flyes after not having them in my program for like a year and damn, they are MASSACRING my chest. I used to rate it as a C-tier movement, now it makes me sore and pumped like nothing else. What are some lifts you used to dislike, or just not get much...
  4. C

    So systemic MRV isn’t real, same with local MRV?

    So I just watched a video from Meno Hanseman where he explains how CNS fatigue/systemic fatigue doesn’t really exist in weight training, it’s more for endurance athletes. So now I’m thinking is it the same for local muscle MRV? Is there a maximum amount of volume you can do for a muscle before...
  5. S

    Help with routine while on shift work

    I recently started to lift again and I'm looking to follow more of a routine. Rarely do I have time to workout on a 12 hour workday, which is: Week 1:M-work T-work W-off T-off F-Work S-work S-work Week 2:M-off T-off W-work T-work F-off S-off S-off I appreciate the help, thanks!
  6. R

    6 day bro split

    6 day bro split Yes yes, the bro split. I know it’s not optimal. I know i should be doing PPL twice a week. But I hate PPL, makes me feel miserable and hate working out. Something about just getting into the gym and completely obliterating only one muscle makes me smile and excited. Now...
  7. J

    Is there a 'formula' to help determine the appropriate rep range to use from the 5-30 range for a specific exercise?

    People often say that the number of repetitions doesn't matter as long as you're training to failure or near failure, and any range between 5 and 30 works. However, this isn't the best answer because performing deadlifts or squats at the upper end of that range is not optimal; they are typically...
  8. B

    Go from 225 - 275 bench 4 x 8

    Hello guys, I currently do close grip bench press and I’m able to do 225 for 4 x 8. If I want to at some point work with 275 for 4 x 8 what exactly is required? I have lifted for 12 years now consistently and I don’t have an advanced bench, while bulking multiple times. I currently weight...
  9. B

    Full RoM or heavier squat

    Hello everyone, I always had trouble going very deep on squat. When I go to full range of motion ( eg 90° that’s it ) I tend to feel my ass more and not so much my quads. In this situation would you recommend going heavier with a lesser range of motion or keep working at full range ? Thanks...
  10. M

    Help me fix this pull day

    Couple days ago, it was my pull day which consisted in: • Close neutral grip lat pulldown, 2 sets, 8-10 reps • Wide grip pronated low cable (gironda) row for upper back, 3 sets, 8-10 reps • Single arm low cable row, narrow trajectory for lats: 2 sets, 8-10 reps, last set to failure • Wide...
  11. R

    Starting new program

    I am starting my new program soon. Seriously want to break past this 155-165 bench press that I’ve stalled at for most of the year. I got my sleep as good as it’ll get 5.5-6.5 hours on my scheduled work days and 7-8ish on my days off. Have about a year of experience counting macros, trying keto...
  12. M

    How to integrate running to strength training? What's your experience with running?

    I post this here because I feel I might receive better responses on balancing these two sports: sorry for the long post! Over the last year, I've been drawn more and more towards running; I don't just want to add running as a form of cardio, I want to improve on it (let's say, 10km @ 43m). That...
  13. P

    Lateral Raises at the end of every workout

    What do you guys think about ending each workout with some Lateral raise work? Even a few quick drop sets and/or rest-pause. Basically I love bodybuilding bro/pro splits, but I am obsessed with trying to have huge (side) delts. So I came up with this idea. My logic is 3-fold: It's probably...
  14. S

    Muscle imbalances

    Hey! I’m curious what people have successfully done to fix muscle imbalances. I’m left handed and have noticed for a few years that my R side muscles are generally smaller. I think this stemmed from an injury about 2.5 years ago to my shoulder which I never had examined and let heal over a few...
  15. L

    6'3/M/20 - 187 lbs, 13-15% BF - My goal is to get to 243 lbs (110 kg) and 8-10% BF, would appreciate advice!

    First of all, I don't know if this falls under "beginner posts", if that's the case please let me know mods. I want to know how I should go about going from where I am now to my goal weight and body composition. My plan right now is to cut down to 10-12% BF and then do a slow bulk to 110 kg...
  16. F

    People told me l’m doing junk volume. I’ve never seen such fast gains though

    About 2 months ago, I started a new workout routine. I'm 20 and have been lifting ever since I was 16. I've pretty much just used a basic 9 sets a muscle group (2 groups a day, 5x a week), heavy as possible 3x10's routine. I was 6'1" 173lbs 2 months ago, with low body fat. Now I'm 182lbs, all...
  17. A

    With progressive overload, do you guys increase the reps on your last set or your first set?

    For example, if you’re doing DB flys and set 1 is 8 x 16kg, 2nd is 10 x 14kg and the third is 8 x 14kg all to failure or 1-2 RIR, on your next session would you increase the last set to 10 x 14kg or the first set to 10 x 16kg? When i first started the gym i’d work my way up to 3 x 12 and then...
  18. T

    Advice about doing an 8 days split instead of a typical 7 day split.

    Hi everyone. So I understand that most research shows that as long as you do about 12 sets overall volume for each bodypart over the week then it doesn't make a huge difference which body split you use. For myself, I find I need a day's rest inbetween each workout. This is both for recovery and...
  19. F

    [M/36/1.8m] How long until I start seeing results from my bulking?

    Hey bros! I'm very new to lifting, only started last year but I was yoyo dieting the whole time so I didn't make too much progress, but I started bulking since exactly 30 days ago, and I don't see too much difference in the mirror, only a little bit more "belly size". I'm lifting 4 times a...
  20. W

    Made absolutely no progress in the past year when I had pretty much everything dialed in, starting to lose motivation..

    1 year comparison & my body progression over the years Please look at my bodyweight data too, I'm NOT doing maingaining As you can see, I've made virtually no progress from Aug 8, 2022 to Oct 1, 2023. I chose to compare these 2 points in time because of similar body weight. I'm generally very...