
  1. Z

    Can anyone recommend a decent bro-split template?

    I know everyone is gonna say “it’s not optimal” but I’ve been trying the optimal stuff for years and it just gets boring to me really quickly and I don’t stay consistent. Years ago when I just fucked around in the gym doing a certain body part every day I enjoyed it way more and it was easier...
  2. C

    Programs like 5/3/1 and training for strength VS size

    Hi guys, I'm just your average Joe training to get as muscular and strong as I can be. I'm a big fan of stuff like the 5/3/1 system because it's stupidly simple and you know exactly what you're going to do when you go into the gym. You just plug your lifts into a spreadsheet and you know what...
  3. B

    Is this a good/optimal PPL workout split

    I’m 16M 82KG body fat 15-25%(to fat to see all abs just upper abs) been training for 7 months Have a minor case of pectus excavations in chest My aim is mainly hypertrophy with a little strength improvement as well I have included weight because I’m a little worried about any major muscle...
  4. T

    When you train, how do you prevent your hands from cramping up?

    So this happened when I was training legs. I was holding a 14kg dumbbell in each of my hands. I was doing dumbbell step ups using a chair and my hands kept on cramping. Usually I am able to easily hit 20-24 reps (10-12 per leg) with this weight and for the past 4 weeks or so, I could easily do...