
  1. R

    5 consecutive days

    I’m looking for a 5 day split. I work 12 hour nights with an hour drive each way so in order to optimize recovery I am not able to train on my scheduled work days except for my 1st day since I don’t start work til later that evening. So I am looking for a 5 day split that I can run on my days...
  2. S

    Mid 20's 5'8" male, nor here nor there

    Hey Guys, So I am re typing this out again as I miss clicked somewhere else last time and lost my post. Sorry in advance for the wall of text, I know not everyone is going to read it, fair enough just thought I would post anyways. I am mentally stuck on what I am supposed to do and if the...
  3. D

    Gamma Bomb Review

    After tearing my shoulder in my last college lacrosse game, I figured I’d run a bodybuilding program to give my shoulder time to heal more (less benching, more db work) as I usually train for powerlifting. Weeks 1-6 Back Focused These weeks I definitely gained some size. Around week 6 my...
  4. J

    What do you think about this guy's pull up and row technique?

    pullups: Dumbbell rows: What do you guys think? has anyone tried this?
  5. A

    Hypertrophy after nSuns

    Hypertrophy after nSuns Hey, I’ve been running nSuns quite a few months, and I feel like I need a bit of a change and focus on hypertrophy for another few months, until I go back to powerlifting/nSuns again. My current SBD 1RM: Squat: 355lbs Bench: 290lbs DL: 440lbs I’m looking at: Jacked...
  6. P

    Fully Body vs P/P/L does it matter at all?

    I'm doing a full body routine 3 times a week for quite some time now and I'm making pretty good progress with that. But lately my stamina becomes more and more of a limiting factor so I was wondering if I should switch to a P/P/L routine which should help in that regard. I also read that you...
  7. G

    4 day split? (25 y/o)

    I’d love some assistance or wisdom from the OG’s Basically I’ve been working out for 4 years. I was doing your typical bro split for the first three years and made some pretty good gainz I think. A year ago I started this job with a 4 on 4 off schedule, 12 hour shifts. So I’ve basically been...
  8. 7

    PPLers: Which day is the most difficult for you?

    I am currently on a PPL program that I came up with on my own by reading stuff from here and there. My Leg days are the most difficult/fatigue-inducing, and Pull days come at a quite close second. Push days feel like a breeze compared to the previous two. I was wondering, how do you rank your...
  9. P

    Reverse v squat

    Does reverse v squat target quads? When I let the knees travel forward as much as possible it gives me pump similar to hack squat but I have seen somewhere that it train more abductors and glutes. Is it true?
  10. L

    Is this split any good? PPL x Arnold

    I've been going to the gym consistently for a couple of months now doing Cbum's 6-day PPL split from this video and I overall enjoy it and feel like I've seen decent progress. Recently I've decided I wanted to try something new so with the help of chat gpt and incorporating some of the lifts...
  11. L

    4 day split VS bro split

    So, just a question about work out routines, I was just wondering if the "Bro split" (M: Chest, T: Back, W: Legs, T: Shoulders, F: Arms, S & S: Rest) is better and more effective then my normal four day split (M: Chest, triceps, T: Rest, W: Back, biceps, T: Legs, F: Rest, S: Shoulders, arms, S...
  12. P

    Arms/Shoulders isolation day

    Im currently on a GVS style Torso/Arms/Legs 6 day split, focusing on the compounds, progressing, and sticking to a handful of Isolation movements. My arms/shoulders day is as follows: Arms day 1: Rope curls 4x12-15 Pushdowns 3x10-12 Barbell curls 3x8-12 B/O tricep cable OHE 4x10-12 Upright...
  13. P

    Higher frequency less sets?

    Keeping the number of weekly sets the same, is there a downside to hitting a muscle group more times a week instead of just twice? For example: Biceps M: 4 sets T: 4 sets Th: 4 sets F: 4 sets =16 weekly sets Or M: 8 sets Th: 8 sets =16 weekly sets Both would give me the same amount of...
  14. F

    Bro split v ppl and intensity factor

    Hi, I’m 18 and about 9 months into training. I have developed a great physique so far and I wanna enhance my training. I did ppl first 3 months then I’ve done chest tri, back, shoulders, arms, legs. What I did was after I trained 2 days I took a rest day. I took this from Dorian Yates. My...
  15. T

    For those doing HIT and on an 4x upper-lower split - what do you do on your upper? (caveats: to save time but with adequate rest?)

    Hi all, Curious to those that follow a HIT doctrine and on an 4x @sandys split. This implies adequate rest between sets of ~2-3mins. How do you ensure you keep your sessions short but still impactful? I know the adage that upper sessions tend to drag because you have everything, but curious...
  16. S

    Progressive overload variations

    Besides the standard ones, like: Linear Progression - the most popular beginner one, where we increase weight each session, or every N sessions Double Progression - where we increase reps in range (like 8-12), and at the top of the range increase the weight and reset the reps to the lowest in...
  17. A

    Bison Bulk Routine

    Hi guys, After a three year hiatus where I could not go to the gym, I used this routine to get back to nearing my old levels of muscle size in a very short time. In 6 months I went from 84.9 with 22% bodyfat to 88.6kg with 15% bodyfat. I developed this routine while training others and tweaking...
  18. I

    App for ideal progress

    Are there any, preferably free, apps that keep track of progress but also set goals to hit? I’m hoping to find something that takes into account your full body workout for the week and sets an ideal goal for each muscle group. Like if I’m benching X, I should be hitting Y on incline, Z on...
  19. F

    FST 7 q

    Have you guys tried fst7, hany has said to do fst7 style workouts on the weakest body parts. Should we do it on 2 bodyparts a week or 1. How often a week?and what split do you run? I believe that the compound exercises and everything should be done first and then only the fst7 sets. If you do...
  20. F

    I guess it’s time to deload?

    I’m planning to take a week off of lifting. It will be my first official deload in 2.5 years of lifting. Last time 1 year ago I took 4 days off due to external factors. But now I feel like I need a week off. Joints have started to hurt, elbows, rotator cuff, knee. Even with proper warm up...