vegan fitness

  1. R

    Protein: Seitan is 58% the cost of chicken breast

    I did some simple calculations based on nutrition labels, a recipe I use, and google. I use Anthony's Vital Wheat Gluten which is $18 for 4lbs (1.81kg) or $0.99 for 100g. At 77% protein by weight, that makes vital wheat gluten $0.013/g protein. Chicken breast averages $3.18/lb in the U.S., or...
  2. P

    Is my current workout routine effective for muscle growth?

    Hi I started going to the gym about a year and a half ago and I have built some muscle. Recently I decided to go on a clean bulk and I was wondering if my workout routine is good enough for good muscle growth. I workout about 3 times a week, occasionally 4 times a week. My workouts are long...
  3. M

    Xmas present to myself 🎅 Finally a FTP increase 🤔

    Well that TT certainly hurt 🥵 but how did it go; was it a podium finish and could it have been a new FTP. Replay and segments are available here 🎥 ✅ Please SUBSCRIBE to the CrankGreenWatts YouTube Channel ✅
  4. C

    High protein shake for under 600 calories

    I also have a high protein shake I drink in the morning. The stuff you need for it costs roughly 30$ but will last one month or longer 2 cups of soy milk 16g p 2 serving of PB2 16g p 1 serving of super foods blend (can find at Walmart in the baking isle) 6g p one serving of plant based...
  5. Y

    Q&A with a plant-based foodie I recently interviewed

    Love how passionate he is about food! And the recipe videos featuring his grandma are the sweetest.
  6. S

    Went vegan 3 days ago

    I‘m really happy about it even tho I still struggle a Little
  7. E

    When did this sub start becoming r/vegansgonewild

    because everyone is lookin' damn fine... But seriously, if you're posting a pic of yourself in your undies please tag the post with NSFW.
  8. M

    Advice needed on maintaining muscle while cutting without high protein intake

    I'm 29 (M), 5'8", 172 lbs and seems like I'm around 25% body fat range (looking at pictures) I'm not obese but I'm overweight by 5-10 pounds. I am an active person (cardio/hiit 5 days a week). Along with cardio, I have started lifting weights (just some chest, biceps, shoulders, back movements...
  9. B

    [Spreadsheet] The Best Vegan Protein Bars: I bought and tested 20 highly recommended or rated bars over the last month or so to find the best ones

    My goal: Collect as many highly rated/popular vegan protein bars, test them, and determine which ones are the best ones. Over the past month or so, I was able to get my hands on 20 of these bars, here's a picture of most of my collection. How I Tested Bars First, I identified the 3 most...
  10. S

    26 y/o female new to weight lifting, struggling to hit my 150g of protein target

    I’m 5 foot 6 and 63kg. I’m trying to put on a little bit of weight and grow my glutes. I want more definition and that nice hour glass figure. I have a fast metabolism and can lose wait quickly if I don’t stay on top of eating a balanced full diet. So I’m also doing minimal cardio - just 5...
  11. C

    How do you reconcile the "we don't need that much protein!" attitude of veg*n communities with the "ALL THE PROTEIN!" attitude of fitness communities?

    Hi all, I did a search and while there's lots here on protein, I didn't see this question come up. I hope it's okay to ask here, because I feel like it's the only sub I've found that merges the veg*n communities and fitness communities and won't be biased in one direction or the other. I'm...
  12. P

    Working on Silk Protein Nut Milk replacement

    Although still not the same, I did buy Pea Protein, Unsweet Cashew Milk and Vanilla Almond Milk. I don’t really drink coffee and use Chameleon cold brew. I pour about 1/8 c. Of the coffee concentrate in the cup and would just fill it with the old silk=Perfection I saw on another post about...
  13. D

    Hitting Protein but staying low carb / low calorie troubles....

    Hey guys, first post. Looking for a place to find ideas and insight thought this community was the best. What does everyone do to hit their protein for the day without going over on carbs and/or calories?? Vegan for 6 years (M/26/5'9"/210lb) and have been consistently lifting for about 4...
  14. 4

    Vegan youtubers for entertainment

    Any recommendations for youtubers that make ENTERTAINING vegan fitness videos, NOT educational or inspo? I already have a few inspo+ educational youtubers that I enjoy watching, but I’m looking for some that do challenges and stuff like that. Non-vegan examples of people I used to enjoy...
  15. K

    B 12 and Vit D

    Hello. My wife and I plus our 4 yr old son recently converted to vegan/plant based diet. Although I have some idea of dietary sources of Vit B12 and Vit D we were still planning to be on the safe side and supplement in case we don't get enough from diet alone. Can the group recommend what...
  16. H

    [25 F - Looking for help jumping back into WFPB diet and exercise routine] HELP CALCULATING PROTEIN AMOUNT! :D

    Hi everyone, Recently I had quite a few major life events happen. I haven't lifted in about a month [mentally and physically feel like shit]. I know I have lost strength, size (although not a considerable amount), and definition. In addition, my nutrition has not been at its best. I need to...
  17. M

    Question/Help: Tips or advice for constant bruising?

    Hello comrades, I am a vegetarian slowly making their transition to vegan. I am also fairly athletic and a cyclist. I've noticed that I bruise really easily. I do not even notice but I will wake up the next day with purple bruises all over my legs! I have zero recollection or hurting myself...
  18. J

    How do you get 100+ grams of protein per day?

    1.8g x 80kg = 144g protein Even drinking my protein powder three times a day gives me only 60g. I am looking into body recomposition and that puts me around 2000 kcal per day. I love nuts but they are too calorie dense. How do you do it? Edit: don't really like meat substitutes but if there's...
  19. A

    Is there any disadvantage in getting protein just from whole foods?

    I used to drink protein powders (Huel specifically) way way before getting into working out. I did it mainly because it saves so much time, it especially saves me sleep in the morning. However, I’ve overdone it the past two weeks and I’m sick of it. I don’t want to see another protein shake in...
  20. W

    How to approach a gym crush

    I have a major crush on this lady at the gym but out of my 20 years of experience, I know it’s awful to approach someone like that at the gym. How can I do this respectfully? :(