vegan fitness

  1. S

    Protein question

    Hey guys! I am not a vegan, but i had a question to ask about vegan nutrition. I’ve always struggled with weight, and obviously I eat as majority of the US country does. There was one brief stint of about 2 years where I got in absolutely amazing shape seeing a non-vegan nutritionist. I...
  2. A

    Vega Protein and Greens Discussion

    What is the point of having a protein supplement that has added vitamins A, C, and K? The supplement is comparable to Lean fit organic plant based Protein. However, Vega has the added vitamins with at 10$ increase in cost for a comparable product. Vitamin a is only 6%, vitamin c 7% and vitamin k...
  3. C

    I’m confused about protein… 🫤

    There are a few vegan fitness influencers I follow and some of them say: “Go ahead use protein powders and mock meats to get extra protein” And some say: “you only really need healthy whole foods, and you get enough protein by eating enough” I’m confused about the amount I really need for...
  4. F

    I want the vegan protein holy book

    [This overlaps slightly with a previous post of mine from >1 month ago, so sorry about that.] My goal is to gain muscle mass and want to do this in the most effective, efficient, cheap, lazy, and tasty way possible. Here are my beliefs as of now: I want to hit at least 130 g of protein every...
  5. S

    Why Ketogenic/low-carb diets make no sense for athletic performance

    Keto alters the fuel use of your body changing it from a primarily carb burning machine (glucose) to a fat burning one. It will change the way you process energy and hamper explosive performance. Energy supply is a chemical process and it takes time to convert stored energy into ATP (adenosine...
  6. A

    Question about PB & j

    I eat a lot of pb & j and usually throw a banana or apple slices in it. I use healthy pb and decent quality whole wheat bread so im happy with the nutrition if it, but i cant find a healthy way to do the jelly. Most jams and preserves have a bunch of added sugar i dont want. And without the...
  7. A

    How do you convert a body-building diet vegan? Especially if you count macros!

    I'm having a really hard time converting diets to vegan diets when it comes to loosing weight and gaining muscle. I find Hunter Hobbs's videos and his "The Normal Person's Guide to Shred" book really helpful, but since approach is not vegan, I can't follow his dietary advices. I'm 165 (5'5'')...
  8. E

    World Vegan Sports Day I don't think I've seen this posted already (sorry if I missed it) I'm not personally associated with the event, I just came across it on Strava but since it is free to join...
  9. A

    22/M, 5'10" and 120 lbs. Been trying to to gain lean muscle for 6 months and only put on 5 lbs. Am I doing something wrong?

    I've been a fairly skinny guy my whole life and a vegetarian for the last four years. I'm working on going vegan now, though yogurt is still a staple of my diet (open to good, fast substitutes for breakfast!). Right now I'm struggling to put on some lean muscle. Until about 6 months ago, I had...
  10. S

    Vegan alternative to Up 'n' Go?

    I'm currently vegetarian, trying to shift to vegan. I only occasionally have egg and cheese products at home but due to recently getting back into gym I've started buying Up 'n' Go for the convenience factor. Usually I use Almond & Cashew milk instead of dairy. Can anyone suggest a comparable...
  11. B

    [33M, Vegan 4 years] Slow and steady progress - figuring out balance for consistent gains

    Hey folks, I've started working on my fitness for about a month now to shed my post-2020 weight and replace it with muscle for stability and better health. I've gone from ~220lbs/24.5% body fat to 206/23.2% body fat as of today which is good, but I did reach a point where I started losing...
  12. H

    I need a little help :)

    Hi everyone, I'm a fellow vegan and need a little help. For my research as a university student, I research 'what makes young adults transition into a vegan/vegetarian lifestyle.' For this I ask 5 minutes of your time to fill in this survey. Thank you very much in advance! Hope you have a nice...
  13. L

    Skyrocketing food prices and eating healthy

    I live in Canada in a smaller community and food prices are skyrocketing. It’s becoming very difficult to balance eating healthy, eating tasty food, and staying within a food budget. Sure, there are lentils and rice but I can’t eat only that. Fresh vegetables are astronomical right now. I’m...
  14. J

    Please give me your best EPIC workout tracks!

    Vegan 6+ years here getting back into health and fitness after a few lazy years and watching my cholesterol creep up got me freaked out. I've been loving actually doing proper workouts (instead of just running all the time - I used to do half marathons) and need all the dance, hip hop, rock...
  15. E

    My 2500 kcal $6 a day meal plan

    I eat around 2500 kcal a day and spend around $6 a day getting 135g protein, 55g fat, and meeting all of my micro nutrient needs. Thus, my macro ratio is 62% carb, 18% fat, and 20% protein. Here is my diet. Everything is weighed in it's raw form. 240g $0.58 Bananas 240g $1.43 Red lentils...
  16. S

    Vegan meal plan: 1 day - 2,079 cal and 94.5g protein on a budget without protein powder or hemp/chia/other superfoods etc. (crosspost /r/xxfitness)

    Hi everyone, I know that a lot of people cite protein, cost, prep time, etc. as concerns when adopting a vegan or plant-based diet. Well, I have compiled an example day of eating that busts these myths. Meals like this will make plant-based eating a lot easier for many people, including athletes...
  17. F

    What is the best routine for no equipment?

    18, been vegan for 4 years. I do 6 days a week and do a 2 routine workout where I switch off everyday except Sunday. I’m 5’7 and weigh about 148 pounds and look muscular but also slim at the same time. I’m not as defined as I want to be and want more defined abs and a larger chest. I’ll list my...
  18. F

    Reminder: it's very hard to get adequate nutrition on a high-carb, low-fat, low-protein diet

    This is inspired by a recent post from a person who is eating a mostly raw, high-carb, low-fat, low-protein diet. It was deleted by the mods, but it got a good amount of attention. This is a subreddit for vegan fitness enthusiasts, and we should be basing our actions on the best available...
  19. A

    Need a home ab workout for beginners and advanced? I did one from athlean x for years

    I've been doing this from Athlean X Best Home Ab Workout. Been doing it for years. Both for beginners and advanced. I did it for 3 days a week. Covers every ab region. Have fun!
  20. J

    Is it possible to eat too much fruit? (Runner, lifter)

    Hi all. I’m a vegetarian (32 F, 5’7, about 125 lbs) moving to veganism, but my question remains: as an ultra runner getting between 25-40 mpw, hitting 120g protein per day… is there such a thing as eating too much fruit? I’m looking at Macrofactor and my carbs occasionally come from tortilla...