workout routines and exercises

  1. C

    My chest won’t grow

    I am currently doing push (chest front side delts) pull (back rear delts arms) and legs I am doing 8 chest exercises with all of them finishing with a set till failure and a drop set at the end of my workout And 6 front delt exercises My chest hasn’t been growing at all same as my front...
  2. D

    Advice on my beginner workout routine?

    Hi, Sorry for the long format, I would appreciate any advice on this beginner workout routine I made for myself in regards to the volume, rest days or additional exercises, I am only using equipment I have at home, and the goal is to put on muscle while slowly reducing overall body fat (Body...
  3. N

    Rate my workout. I have never shown anyone my routine. Its probably the worst

    Please tell me how bad my workouts are. i made Personally i think im doing too much. day 1: Chest, Triceps, Forearms incline dumbbell press (warmup with 10 reps; 3 x close to failure) triceps pushdown with straight bar (warmup with 10 reps; 3 x close to failure, dropset) seated chest press...
  4. B

    Is My Workout Program any Good?

    Hi guys, I created myself a weighted calisthenics routine specifically for my goals. I'd like to get feedback on it. My goals are mainly handstands and splits and just get stronger in general, but I do want to build a bit more size on me. Here is my workout routine: What do you guys think...
  5. R

    Workout routine for impingement

    Which workout routine seems best for recovering and handling impingement? And what are your experiences with these routines ? high frequency—> divides volume at best, but is it best for your connective tissue? Fullbody —> gives at least 48 h rest to shoulders between workouts...
  6. S

    How’s my routine?

    I’m (soon15) female and Ive been training for just over a yea, I wanna build bigger arms and legs but I have zero equipment so far I’ve seen little to no progress in building my quads and arms I know cardio isn’t the way to build muscles but I just cant afford weights or a gym membership atm...
  7. T


    My routine is push legs pull except for bench press my rep range for all exercises is 10-12 reps for 3-4 sets I'm cutting and some people told me I should increase it to 15-20X3 or do 5X5 for some exercises but.. why tho what's the point of it 5X5 for mass sure but for cutting... and 15-20X3...
  8. M

    Asking for a program check

    Hi, I'm looking for opinions about the workout program I wrote :) I'm bulking up as a teenager, I'm trying to gain strength (hence the heavy top sets) but my main goal is bodybuilding. P.S Please ignore the lack of calves and rear delts sets lol...
  9. R

    Home Workout Dilemma: How to Achieve Better Results?

    Good day, everyone. I'm seeking advice on how to make my routine more efficient for weight loss and muscle gain. I have 20-25 minutes available every day for home training. I possess dumbbells with 6 x 5kg (11lbs), 4 x 2.5kg(2.5lbs), and 4 x 1.5kg(3.3lbs) disks. A year ago, I started training...
  10. P

    would this be a good start routine?

    Plan to work out again to really just improve health and flexibility. Currently 31 and 195 pound and 6.1 feet. Thinking of starting off with simple 1 kilometer run which i easily increase with time. 10 push ups, 10 squats, and 30 second planks. Then thinking of redoing my old system of one pull...
  11. F

    I need help! 36m 6’1 345lbs

    As the title suggests I need help with some home workouts. Firstly I have no idea how to plan a workout, which muscle group to do, etc. I have recently been eating healthier at about 2200 calories a day and walking 2 miles every night. With that I have lost around 20lbs. im looking to learn more...
  12. F

    AI generated this workout routine. Is it any good?

    I tasked AI with providing me with a workout plan to use to start weightlifting again after years of focusing solely on running. I run 26 or so miles a week and run M-F, and told it I additionally wanted to go to the gym to lift weights purely to look more muscular, 3 days a week if possible. Is...
  13. K

    Please critique this 4day split workout plan

    Hi guys, i have been training for 1.5 years followed by a personal trainer in a pay-per-session gym and had great results. When i started i used to go 2 times a week, then 3 and about 2 months ago i decided that i would have liked to increase the number of times to 4 a week and maybe start...
  14. R

    Workout routine for a 4 on 4 off schedule

    Hey guys my works schedule is 4 days on 4 days off. I work 12s plus hour commute so 13ish hours I’m gone. Wife works full time as well so when I come home I’m helping around the house and getting the kids settled down. Leaves me no time to get any kind of workout in on those days. My days off...
  15. A

    I have 9 more weeks to increase my pushups by 5 and after 6 weeks at the gym, I have seen no increase. Help please!

    Hi! I got a new job that starts at the beginning of May (2 months from now) and it requires a physical test for pushups, situps, and a 1.5 mile run. In September I start 10 weeks of training where our physical test results are increased slightly. I already meet the minimums and then some for...
  16. J

    Any advice on my workout routine?

    Any advice you guys can give me to improve my program? Maybe switch a few things around or replace some exercise? I only have home gym equipment so I do not own any cable machines but I do own a squat/Pullup rack and a bench with barbelld and dumbbells I can customize with as much weight as I...
  17. 1

    Is my workout plan too hard (mostly for leg day), assuming that all sets are taken to 0-1 RIR, and sleep and diet are on track

    Upper Bench Press (4 x 4-6) Incline Bench Press (2 x 6-8) Deadlift (2 x 5-7) Military Press (2 x 6-8) Pull-Ups (? x 30) Skull-Crushers (3 x 6-10) T-Bar Row (2 x 6-8 + Rest Pause) Lateral Raise (2 x 8-12 + Hold + Partials) Reverse Fly (3 x 8-12) Lower Squat (2 x 5-7) Front Squat (2 x...
  18. M

    Rate my PPL please

    Hi all! I have been doing this program for a few months now. My PT friend made it for me. I’ve been having issues with back stiffness and hip / glute tightness. My physio believes I need to stop doing barbell squats and potentially deads to fix my issues ( I enjoy them though that’s the...
  19. M

    Workout & Diet - PhD Coach

    Hey guys, I built this PhD-level Workout & Diet AI Coach for myself. It's based on 1,000+ pages of scientific and empirical data, plus specific bespoke charts, graphs and logic I've developed in my 15+ years of training. I've been using it myself for a while, and it's helped me a ton when...
  20. H

    How’s my routine?

    Looking for any tips, my goal is to hit a little of everything. Is there anything I’m over/under working? Is there anything I should add? Doing a lot of machines for now until I’m completely comfortable with the motions as my job is physical so can’t afford to strain myself. I hope to switch...