workout routines and exercises

  1. K

    Arm growing workout! NO EQUIPMENT! 💪💪

    Hey everyone! I recently created my own workout routine for a quick arms workout! Please try it out and give me some feedback! Thanks! Video Link: Do this workout then measure your arms! 💪💪#shorts #workout #fitness - YouTube
  2. D

    Made a workout routine for my self would appreciate feed back

    Guys want some feed back finished dry fighting weight ( a double kettlebell 4 week program) with 18 and 20kg kbs feel strong af I'm now doing freeletics twice a week and then doing kettlebell work which is A Swings, rows and Farmer carrys and pull ups B Cleans presses Squats tgu and push...
  3. F

    Need help getting the right work out for my apron belly

    So to start I'm 240 F 31. For a year I've been going to the gym to start getting my body into something I can be happy with. On the year anniversary of my gym journey I decided to start taking it much more seriously. For the last month an a half I've started drinking protein and counting...
  4. H

    Looking for 3-Day Bodyweight Routine to Build Habit

    I typically commit hard to working out and phase out after the initial kick wears off and I don’t see results. I played sports growing up, marched bass drum in highschool, and haven’t had any regular fitness since. I’d have spurts of going to the gym in college but I couldn’t get into it...
  5. S

    Is my 3 day split effective?

    Is my routine effective? I want wide shoulders and lats. 4 months training experience. I do the same workout 3 days M,W,F Barbell Bench press 3x8 Hack Squat 3x8 Pullups 5xAMRAP DB lateral raise 3x10 Biceps movement 3x10 Triceps movement 3x10 Lat pullovers/prayers 3x10 Chest fly machine (pec...
  6. V

    Can someone give me a good 3 day v taper workout routine

    Can someone give me a 3 day workout for v taper Been going to the gym for about 3 mnths and not really feeling my current workout so can someone give me a workout routine for a v taper type physique kinda like leon edwards lol
  7. A

    The ONLY 10 moves you need to look GREAT in a suit (For short notice events)

    This workout is perfect to show off those body parts that are important to highlight while wearing a suit #Aesthetics
  8. D

    Happy bday to me

    Ya time to get wild lol j.k
  9. L

    How effective is volume periodization and how do you handle the timing requirements of high volume?

    For the last couple of months, I have been adopting the learnings from Mike Israetel on volume periodization. For those who aren't aware of his methods, the underlying idea is that you periodize volume over a 4-10 week period. He recommends starting with a low yet effective volume and effort...
  10. U

    Help with a dumbbell upper lower split

    Advice for an upper lower dumbbell split routine Hello, I’m trying to make a dumbbell workout routine with the upper lower split. I have quick adjustable dumbbells and I also have one of those basic cable pulley systems that hook onto the roof or something similar. I’ve made a base and wanted...
  11. Q

    [Q] Workout routine and fat looss

    Hello everyone 26M weight 83kg height 180cm here I have a question about muscle loss and fat loss. My routine is work out then going 20-25min on the treadmill 5 to 6 days a week. First weight lifting for 1.5-2 then 20-25 min running around 165bpm based on my smart band I do anaerobic...
  12. B

    critique my training program

    Hi, I need a second opinion on my training routine. Background info: Day 1, I run about 10 km, sometimes more, sometimes less or i do a heavy bag workout boxing/kicking for about an hour. Day 2, Gym at home. Day 3, stretching/yin yoga. Day 4, rest. Repeat. If I feel sufficiently recovered, I...
  13. T

    I would love some suggestions for my workout routine! 31M 5'7" 168lbs

    Hello everyone. I am not new to working out, but I am new to bodybuilding. A little history. I have always been physically active. My late teens and up to my late 20s I did a variety of workouts including muscle endurance workouts, powerlifting (hang cleans max 225 lbs, 185lbs for jerk; at the...
  14. J

    I just started and started recording my workouts, how’s this for my third week?

    How is this for a leg and arm day respectively These are my arm and leg day workouts, how do they look? Arms Tuesday, June 13, 2023 at 10:48 AM Triceps Extension (Machine) Set 1: 70 lb × 18 Set 2: 70 lb × 18 Set 3: 70 lb × 18 Set 4: 90 lb × 12 Set 5: 90 lb × 12 Set 6: 90 lb × 12 Set 7: 95 lb...
  15. E

    How can I improve my PPL split.

    So my current split is PPL going 6 days a week and I want to add a day 1 and day 2 but don’t know what workouts to do on day 1 vs day 2. Here is my current split and figured yall would know how to properly fix it PPL Push day- Bench press 3x 10-12 Incline bench 3x10-12 Pec deck 3x10-12...
  16. T

    Suggested Workout Splits for 2-2-3 Work Schedule?

    Hoping some of you guys might be willing to give me suggestions for splitting up my routine with this new schedule I'm working. I started a new job with the following 12 hour 2-2-3 schedule that repeats every two weeks. My job has a gym, so I usually only work out on the days I'm scheduled to...
  17. L

    lose body fat while gaining muscle

    21m, 5’6 about 160lbs. I’m sure this type of question has been asked before, but here goes. Been working out for a little over 6 months. absolutely been gaining muscle, but my stomach/side/back fat just seems stagnant. I’ve been eating better. focusing on more fruits n veggies. cutting out a lot...
  18. F

    critique my ppl + upper & lower workout plan

    i'm 15 years old, 6'5 195 pounds. i'm looking to get way bigger for football season, but i really don't care about strength right now cause im pretty strong for my age, height and weight. (bench - 215) (squat - 315) (deadlift - 335) i have a brother who is really big in size and i sort of based...
  19. V

    boxing routine for weight gain and muscle growth

    For boxers that want to go up a weightclass I made a little workout routine on how to build muscle without losing speed nor endurance. Before I show the workout I want to explain why I devised it this way: weight gain and strenght gain go hand in hand. If you go from ten pushups at 70 kilos to...
  20. A

    Am I overtraining with my current lifting routine?

    I (M28) have recently gotten back to exercising on a regular basis. I am dealing with runner's knee/ankle at the moment, so my workouts have primarily been weight training, with a light cardio warm-up and cool down. I have been training every other day and using a routine as follows for the...