
  1. X

    How should I start?

    Hey, I'm currently 16, weigh around 57 kg, and I'm around 178 cm tall. Here's how my body currently looks () - as you can see I have a pretty big scoliosis. I want to get some abs and also get some muscle in the back. The only activities I currently do are this: every day 2x a 25 minute kinda...
  2. M

    Thoughts on maintenance workout while busy

    Life has gotten very busy as of late but I’ve been doing this every other day. Do you think it’s good, what category would it fall under, and do you think hypertrophy can be achieved long term (of course minimal) I call the workout 5/50’s 5 sets using 50 lbs kettlebell + 5 burpees between...
  3. M

    3-day split full body program

    Found a good 3 day per week full body (it was suggested to be the best for me) program, and tweaked it a bit. Would love to hear your opinion on this! Anything i should change? (e.g. sets, reps, certain exercises...) Tuesday: Thursday...
  4. P

    Old school push pull legs

    What do you think about this oldschool PPL routine (Pull Push Legs rest). Simple double progression (either add weight or reps). Pull day Barbell rows 1x10, 1x8 (warmups), 4 x 6-8 Pullups 3 x amrap Lateral raises 3 x 12-15 Bent over lateral raises 3 x 12-15 Lying DB curls 3 x 9-12 Cable...
  5. D

    I am extremely out of shape. How do I ease into getting into shape without burning out?

    Hey all. I’m 5’2”, about 115 pounds. So, I’m not overweight, however, I am extremely out of shape. I can’t take the stairs to my 4th floor classes without feeling winded. This comes from years of neglecting fitness. I didn’t realize it until recently just how bad it was. I do have asthma, but...
  6. A

    Weak Chest, HELP!!!

    So I am a 29 y/o m, and I’ve been in and out of the gym for about 8 or so years. I always end up getting really strong in just about every muscle group except for my chest. I’ve done a lot of different things attempting to increase my chest strength but no matter what I do, I can’t seem to be...
  7. K

    1st week gym

    Hey guys sup? Soo after many years of fears I finally stepped into a gym I've researched a lot on the subject and have found a starting point, I'd share my workout program below and I'd like to know what you guys think about it The first day it was kind of scary, but now I start feeling more...
  8. W

    Advice / opinions

    Hey hey! So I’m a 22F about 130/132 ish, 5’6 about 35.5/36 inches in my hips(measured 2 days so (3.15). I want to lose a little ( not much since I’m not a huge frame as it is) weight in my stomach and truly a little tummy doesn’t bug me BUT I do want to get bigger in my lower half. My main focus...
  9. J

    🚀🤖 AI Workout Generator! 🤖🚀

    Hello, r/workouts workout enthusiasts! We are excited to introduce you to our latest creation - Lyfta's AI Workout Generator! 🎉 Our goal was to develop a tool that creates personalized workout plans tailored to individual needs, available equipment, and fitness levels. Whether you're a...
  10. A

    Full body and too much volume?

    Full Body and too much volume I came across this while searching for a new 4 day routine for building muscle. It struck me though because of the high amount of sets and reps - I’m used to seeing 3-4x10-12 on most programmes. Is this what would be called junk volume? DAY 1 DB Flat Bench Press...
  11. N

    New daily workout routine. WDYT?

    New workout schedule Hi, after making most my gains in 6 months of PPLPPLR last year, I burnt out and only did a workout once and then just to try keep what I gained, not pushing myself. This time I want to try to keep it consistent (daily), but light (1-2exercises). I've been doing this...
  12. J

    Is skiing a good primary form of exercise/appetite question

    I live in a ski town and can ski very easily from where I live. So when there’s free time, I’d way rather be on skis than in a gym (I also paid for my ski pass so I wanna get the most use of it that I can). I work as a waitress, so my job is very active. I ski 2 full days a week and another one...
  13. N

    womens workouts to make you feel amazing!!

    i workout to a girl named lilly sabri and omg her workouts are super effective and give you the burns! here are the workouts i do: hourglass: fit legs: abs: lower abs: i always do them off and on but since i’m going to the beach soon i’ve been doing them everyday, it’s only been 3 days...
  14. D

    Why isn’t my chest ever getting engaged?

    I am trying to do pushups many varieties mostly feel it in my triceps and also my biceps as well as my shoulders a bit but NONE in my chest I don’t understand. Even when I try bench pressing same thing happens. My chest looks fat and not developed compared to my biceps, triceps, shoulders and my...
  15. C

    daily abss workout

  16. S

    Shoulders Mobility Exercises

    Increase flexibility, range of motion, and feel less pain in your shoulders. Try these shoulder mobility exercises before doing any future shoulder or upper body workouts. Incorporate them into your regular routine to see a positive change. More Workouts...
  17. L

    Adidas is offering 50% Extra off on workout clothes

    The Adidas eBay Outlet is currently offering an extra 50% off on over 1,000 articles, even already discounted items. Just bought myself some Grand Court 2.0 for $21, make sure to use the code 50COUPON at checkout.
  18. M

    A guy yelled at me at the gym

    Hello all! I wanted to share a weird experience I had this morning at the gym. Has anything like this happened to anyone else? I, 22F, went to hit legs today. I saw the leg extension machine (which I thought to be) open, as no bags were around it, and no one was on the machine. I sat down and...
  19. W


    how tf do i find a workout routine or even get an idea of what to do? currently i do 20-30 mins of cardio, sometimes i do it all at the beginning or spiky it up to half before & the rest after. i do leg press, hip abduction & hip adductor, planks & that’s pretty much it bc idk what to do. my...
  20. C

    Am I overtraining my glutes?

    I’ve been doing this split for a month and a half and I’m a beginner. I love going 5 days a week and i really want to grow a big ol juicy booty. But I’m hearing you should only do about 20 working sets max a week on your glutes and I def am over. Can anyone give me any tips? Which excercises I...