
  1. M

    Rate my Workout

    Looking for any and all suggestions on my workout routine. I have some experience lifting and in the gym but am just getting back into it after about 6 months off. Looking to gain and tone muscle Day 1/4-Push (chest, shoulders, triceps) * Bench * Chest flys * Dips * Incline press * Shoulder...
  2. R

    F***ed Up My Shoulder

    Anyone have any advice or experience on shoulder injuries? I'm a dude in my early 30's and chest day is by far my favorite, obviously. But I recently messed up my shoulder pretty bad and all progress is pretty much gone that I've made over the last two years. Makes me never want to workout...
  3. H

    I track my calories and weight, at calorie deficit, but not losing fat or weight, but losing muscle mass

    I have a question about what I am doing wrong. I am 6' 1" in height, and currently 223lbs. My TDEE without workout is 2300 calories and with workout 2700 calories. Some sites even show more than this. I have been eating an average of 2000 calories a day and working 4 times a week, at least 30...
  4. A

    Push Pull Legs EXAMPLE

    I've seen a lot of questions asking about Push Pull Legs splits, so I figured I would type out an EXAMPLE. As stated, this is an EXAMPLE and does not need to be implemented verbatim to be effective. The example as written would likely be too much for a new lifter. But I just wanted to show...
  5. Q

    Football QB S&C (inquiry)

    Does anyone have any good strength and conditioning routines for being a football quarterback? My friend is wanting something that will boost his performance but he’s also looking to get the muscle tone and body similar to that of Raider’s quarterback Derek Carr. Any help is appreciated, thank you.
  6. J


    Hi! Any advice or possible exercises that would work for these days in a split? ⁠Glutes and Abs ⁠Shoulders Tris Abs Active Rest ⁠Back and Bi ⁠Cardio and Abs ⁠Legs Rest I feel somewhat clueless and don’t know what to do for each day. Any help would be greatly appreciated!! 19 y/o female...
  7. B

    Advice: Can one do ab workouts while fasting?

    Hi, so as title says, I’m currently fasting everyday till 12pm due to religious reasons. I’m 19 y/o, F, 120-125lbs(55/56kg), 5’4 and had only just started working out again last week, it felt great and my body was getting used to it all again. I decided to start w ab workouts as I know I can’t...
  8. K

    Help with home workout progression (6+ months in)

    Hi all. I have been somewhat recently working out at home for 6+ months now, with a set of adjustable dumbells and a mat. I have been doing back+biceps on Monday and Thursday, and chest +triceps on Tuesday and Friday. (I am more recently adding legs and some shoulders on Wednesday). I have...
  9. J

    My favourite post workout/ yoga playlists to listen to! Thought I'd share here. Updated regularly as well. Enjoy :)

  10. T

    Acceptable pain around iliac crest after using belt squat machine

    I enjoy squatting on the belt squat machine a lot because it takes my lower back out of the equation. However, I always feel some little acceptable pain around the iliac crest the day after I do the belt squat machine. The pain is really not serious and is more like a bruise. It’s only triggered...
  11. J

    Full body 3 day workout critique please. I want to focus on the big 4 workouts

    Full body routine critique. 3 day per week. M/W/F. And you rotate from A1, B1, A2, B2 A1 Barbell Bench Press | 5x5 Dumbbell Incline Bench Press | 3x5 Dumbbell Arnold Press | 5x5 Barbell Squat | 3x5 Cable Seated Row | 3x8 Dumbbell Bicep Curl | 3x12 Cable Rope Triceps Pushdown | 3x12 B1...
  12. B

    6 day hypertrophy plan

    Intermediate 6-day program. One mesocycle is approximately 4-6 weeks (depending on systemic fatigue) then I'll perform a deload week then repeat until I decide to change my program up again. For each exercise the first number is the number of sets for the first week and the second number is the...
  13. S

    junk volume?

    I'm a 16-year-old dude who works out 4-5 times a week. I started lifting around 4 months ago, although I did do some bodyweight exercises for a year before I started lifting. Below are some of my workouts. I'm not too sure whether I'm training optimally or not. I train to failure and have decent...
  14. R

    How to turn this 4 Day Workout Plan into a 5 Day workout plan. Please Help!

    Day 1 Bench Press 4x10, 8, 6, 4 Incline Bench Press 3x8, 6, 4 Cable Tricep Pushdowns 3x8, 6, 4 Chest Flyes 3x8, 6, 4 Cable Kickbacks 3x10, 8, 6 pro Arm Tri Set: A Dips 3x 15-20 B Floor Hex Press 3x6 C Pushups holding dumbell 3x Max Day 2 Barbell Rows 4×10, 8, 6, 4...
  15. Z

    apple watch accuracy

    when u choose traditional strength training for the workout q, it says when there’s not enough data it calculates calories as if you’re taking a brisk walk. does that make it more accurate? lately i’ve just not recorded my workouts if it’s with weights
  16. M

    keeping strength training to 20 mins

    Just turned 50 this year (m, 6', 240lb). Been focused on losing/keeping weight off. Started at 282 last year, fluctuate between 235-240 now. But time is short and I'm also worried about cardio things. So what I've been doing is short interval runs/sprints for at least 2 miles 6-7 days a week...
  17. N

    Gym guy (60s) yells at me (27 F) in gym

    I was at the gym today, which I have gone to for years without issues. I was doing my warm up set to start of my leg day. I was taking my normal 2-3 minute break in between sets and scrolling through my music during that time. A really buff guy comes up to me and asked me how many sets I had. I...
  18. G

    What is the best yoga for beginners

    To start with, Trikon Aasan and Cat-stretch (Maarjhari Aasan), Baby-pose are some postures, to get proper stretch for your body. And then Sun-salutation is a complete Aasan, also known as King of Aasan. A complete set of 12 Aasans. Once you start Sun-salutation, from right leg first or left...
  19. M

    Can anybody help me out?

    Im 36 started working out last year when i got sober from 20 yrs of opiate addiction. Going to gym and getting in shape. Greatest experience of my life. I had a crazy leg injury that kept me from running. I could only use workout bike. Well ive had a really tough time since november. I had...
  20. Z

    Thoughts on this workout plan? Will it build muscle or simply strength?