
  1. A

    Roast My (Beginner's At-Home) Strength Training Plan

    I’m hoping that this subreddit can give me some feedback on my beginner's strength training regime. I’ve been scouring the internet and reading articles/watching videos trying to put together a plan that works for me, because for reasons mentioned below I’m not able to go to the gym and have...
  2. J

    I have a workout routine I made by myself but I feel like I’m doing it wrong

    I have a workout routine but I feel like I’m doing something wrong I haven’t made a leg one yet but I am in the process of doing that Flat bench press 3x12 10 8 5 Incline bench press 3x12 Chest flies 3x12 Skull crushes 3x10 Over-head extension 3x10 Push ups 3x15 Rows Bicep curls 3x12 Hammer...
  3. N

    Ok so I asked ai for a personalized workout schedule and this is what I gave me

    Monday: Cardio and Strength • Warm-up: Start with 5-10 minutes of light cardio to prepare your muscles and get your heart rate up slightly. This can include brisk walking, jogging in place, or jumping jacks. • Cardio: Follow a cardio workout video that lasts around 20-30 minutes. Cardio...
  4. S

    Need Advice for my workoutplan

    Hello, At first, I´m sorry, but English isn't my first language. I hope you can still understand me. I [M19] have been working out for two years now, but I have only just realized that my training plan was somewhat suboptimal due to excessive junk volume. Therefore, I would like to request...
  5. A

    Tdee q

    If anyone is familiar with a tdee spreadsheet can you explain why it lists my maintance for 2 weeks as lower than my intake despite losing weight? I ate roughly 4200, lost a fraction of a lb, and it listed my maintance that week as around 3750. I'm just not understanding this
  6. P

    I’m tryna look more cut

    I’m relatively skinny compared to other boys my age. I’m 15 and weigh 122 lbs. My chest is almost completely flat and I barely have abs. Also you can barely see my bicep or forearm muscles. I do have decent upper body strength tho, cause I can do 12 pull ups and I’ve been told that’s uncommon...
  7. J

    How much cardio should a hardgainer be doing?

    [M/23/115LB] Just started bulking and hitting the gym last week (already up one pound 👍🏻) plus supplementing CREATINE. 3 days a week M/W/F lifting heavy. How much cardio should I be doing to limit extra calories I’m burning but also getting in shape. I currently work HVAC M-T (4) 10 hour days...
  8. A

    Wrong vo2 max?

    I am a male 33 years old, useing a polar vantage m2, i have a resting pulse 55-60 and 185-195 max pulse. My wheight is 107 kilo and height 175cm I workout 3 times per week 2 houers, my warmup is starting to jogging on tredmill for 25 min on 9.5 km/h no stop, then i type in height for the...
  9. C

    Leg Day Motivation |Heavy Squats

    Yo whats up guys here is a motivational video on legs i hope you guys enjoy it and it motivates you!!!
  10. P

    Should I split my push day into a vertical push day and a horizontal push day?

    I’ve currently been working out 6 days a week, 2 push days, 2 pull/abs days, and 2 leg days, but I was thinking of splitting the push days into horizontal and vertical push days, one for push up type exercises and the other for handstand push ups and dips. Do y’all think splitting it up is...
  11. N


    Is there an affective legal PED out there that is easily acquireable?
  12. G

    Fitness Apps

    Hello fellow fitness enthusiast! 🏋️‍♂️ I'm collaborating with a group of passionate friends, and we're exploring a fresh idea to enhance our gym sessions. We genuinely value community insights, and we'd love to hear your thoughts on fitness apps. If you can spare 5 minutes to share your...
  13. R

    How to achieve this kind of arm shape?

    Hey. As I can see through the years here and there, there are two different arm shapes with people who do weight training. First type example 1 example 2 example 3 And the Second Type example 1 example 2 For someone who wants the first type of developed arm muscle shape, what are the...
  14. D

    How do these workouts sound to you?

    FIRST WORKOUT Arms, back, and chest ❤️‍🔥 Warm up; cardio: - 5-10 min of treadmill - 5 minutes stair master - 5 minutes rowing machine Workout Back - cable rope 12 x 2 - lat pull-downs 10 x 3 - shoulder press 10 x 3 - Deadlift 12 x 2 - Bend over row 10 x 3 - Side lateral raise 12 x 1 Chest -...
  15. F

    My arm just "turned off"

    Last week I went climbing in a Fun Forest with my work, because it was the companies 15th anniversary. There were 9 climbing routes you could do, 1 being the easiest, 9 being the hardest. I was extremely stupid and wanted to do route 9, because I thought "it didn't look so tough". It was...
  16. M

    What to do after completing a workout routine?

    I am researching and finding a good routine (that will work around the equipment at Planet Fitness.. The only gym I have access to ATM) ... I found some promising workouts that cover all the muscle groups. It has several parts each 8 weeks long, but what do I do after I've completed it all? My...
  17. N

    5,3,1 or 8,6,4,2,1?

    I have always done my bench and squat workouts by using less weight and slowly increasing it by going 8,6,4,2 and sometimes 1 rep at the end but I recently heard from a friend that he uses the same plan but just as a 5,3,1. Doesn't anybody know which would work better? I've been progressively...
  18. A

    Im 16 y/o M, 6’1 foot and 130 pounds. How to gain mass and size?

    As title says. I am currently a swimmer with good fitness. I also do basic workouts like pushups, squats, etc. I can do about 50 of each in a set. Also, im trying to eat more with caloric surplus, but I just find that i use the toilet more frequently so idk if im really absorbing the extra...
  19. D

    No results on calorie deficit / body recomp

    Hello,I am 29M, 162lbs, 5ft 9. Ectomorph/hardgainer/skinnyfat. I used the TDEE calculator, determined a rough estimate for my RMR & TDEE. Using the Cronometer App to track all foods consumed throughout the day. I am meeting all of my macros (some days +/-5%). Daily Avg: 1600-1700 calories, P...
  20. S

    What do u think

    male 12yo 50kg 150cm bf% unknow max : bench 40 on pr kg .squat 55 kg biceps curl 20 kg