1 v 2 arm swings (shoulder issues)

I separated my right shoulder in a mountain biking crash about 10 years ago and it's caused me issues on and off ever since.

I do swings and TGU 3 times a week as per S&S, normally straight after a 2.5-3.5 mile trail run. I also run tactical barbell operator with a squat, ohp and pullup cluster on my other training days (Sunday = rest day). It's all going really well, but......

I really struggle with 1 arm swings regardless of the weight. I normally use a 32 for 2 arm swings when I have access to the gym at work (2/3 times a week currently). I only have a 24 at home until my own 32 gets delivered, but I even struggle with a 16 on 1 arm swings, I feel that I'm making more effort to pack my shoulder properly than I am on the actual swing. This leads to me not getting anywhere near enough power into the exercise and therefore I dont really feel much benefit. Am I missing out on a huge amount of value by just doing 2 arm swings?