1 Year Progress 118-159 (19M)


New member
1 year of progress on this journey with +40lb gained.

Started off last year at 118lb – I’m now 159lb at 5'9".


transformation video


Ate 3800-3900kcal consistently for a year. Settled in on this calorie range after I stopped gaining weight on 3500kcal early on. Used myfitnesspal to track calories, aimed for ~180g protein. Filled the calories with chicken, rice, half GOMAD, and clif builder bars.

Ran a 6day hybrid of nSuns and PPL. Percentages refer to an estimated 1RM:


Bench 5 (75%) / 3 (85%) / 1+ (95%), backoff sets

OHP 8-7-6-5-4-3 (70%), 5 (60%), 6 (50%)

Tricep extension (3x8–12) SS lateral raise (3x15-25)

Pushdown (3x8–12) SS cable lateral (3x15–25)


Weighted pull-ups 5 (75%) / 3 (85%) / 1+ (95%), backoff sets

Barbell row (3x8–12) SS face pulls (3x15–30)

Barbell curl (3x8–12) SS dumbell curl (3x15–20)


Squat 5 (75%) / 3 (85%) / 1+ (95%), backoff sets

RDL–shrug (3x8–12) SS calf raises (3x15–25)

Neck curl (3x25–35) SS neck extension (3x25–35)


OHP 5 (75%) / 3 (85%) / 1+ (95%), backoff sets

Bench 8 (65%), 6 (75%), 3x4 (85%), 5 (80%), 6 (75%), 7 (70%), 8 (65%)

Skullcrusher (3x8–12) SS lateral raise (3x15-25)

Tricep dip (3x8–12) SS band lateral (3x15–25)


Weighted pull-ups (4x8–10)

Bodyweight pull-ups (3x10–12)

Barbell row (3x8–12) SS face pulls (3x15–30)

Barbell curl (3x8–12) SS dumbell curl (3x15–20)


Deadlift 5 (75%) / 3 (85%) / 1+ (95%), backoff sets

Front squat (3x8–12) SS calf raises (3x15–25)

Neck curl (3x25–35) SS neck extension (3x25–35)


My ultimate goal is to get to a lean 175. Frank zane is probably my biggest aesthetic inspiration, seeing as we're the same height and have a similar frame. Unfortunately, COVID means I won't have access to a gym for the next few months, so I'll probably work on calisthenic skills and recomp.

Gaining has been a crazy adventure that exceeded my wildest expectations. Just goes to show what you can accomplish 100% natural with some consistency and sheer willpower.

We're all gonna make it!
@thepromise308 Props on putting in the work in the kitchen! It payed off. I see a lot of “smaller” guys afraid to eat in that surplus range when bulking but that’s where the money is as long as you train insane and sleep plenty.
@smash89 does his age play a huge roll in it and maybe his hormones? I would think if someone 10 years older tried this they'd probably pack on weight. The calories are sucha huge variable since we don't know how active he was or how much of a surpluss.

This is a crazy nice bulk.