1 Year Progress 118-159 (19M)

@thepromise308 Killing it man!!! keep up the great work.
now is this a 6 day weekly routine? like MonTuesWedThursFriSat?
only reason i ask is because you’re getting quite a bit of volume in on each session
@thepromise308 Good shit. For quarantine I filled up a large backpack I have with trash bags, soup cans, beer cans, a candle, etc. Got it up to 55lbs to do push ups with, and reduced to about 20 lbs for pull ups.

I bought some weights on Craigslist recently, but I’d you have nothing else I’d def recommend it. I haven’t lost much mass if any.
@thepromise308 Bulgarian split squats.

Shrimp squats.

Bodyweight squats with a resistance band.

Hamstring curls with a resistance band.

Jump rope for calves.

If you've got the room around where you live then do sprints.

All of these things fukn suck. But they work.
@thepromise308 Sand bags are great and inexpensive. Maybe a little hard to get if you can't get out, but some home depots do delivery for a nominal fee, and some do curbside pick up. You just need 3-4 50# bags of sand and a couple rolls of duck tape. Cover each bag with tape, and tape however many you want together stacked up. They call them pills in the military.

You can squat with it in a bear hug (seriously tough, hard to breath), heft it on to your shoulders (takes some practice, much like a powder clean), or even hold like a goblet squat if it isn't too heavy for that.

Weighted carries with sandbags or anything else heavy work the legs. 20-30 seconds of walking is lots of constant tension on the legs, which from what I gather is good for hypertrophy. Walking with 100-150 lb sandbag in a bear hug is a full body workout, and quite humbling the first time you do it.