10365 of 10000 swings DONE in 10 days! 140,752 kg moved; Program report

Mind you it was a challenge for me with 12/16kg and a deload for him with 24kg :)

This is why I love this! There’s something for everyone 😊 And I actually would find this extremely taxing - there’s no rest in rack which is my favorite place to be lol.

You’ve absolutely killed it, and I’m so excited watching your progress!! It’s super inspirational for me. You’ve got the right mentality, and I agree with tally - can’t wait to see what’s next!!
@rkm Yeah, one reason I wanted to do 30min non stop was to see how a half marathon feels like :)

A swing has rest too :) at the top ... For 300ms or so :)

You would totally be able to do this for 30min I'm sure :) - it's mental more than physical - put the right music on, keep the kids out and done 👍🏾

I'm gravitating to a lot of jerks as the best way to build upper body strength & quads, cos that's where I'm weakest. Swinging heavier than 40kg is blocked on upper body now..

I'll have to try sport style programming with the cast iron bells i have :)

Intervals, tempo work, and long slow sessions..

But October is a long time away - let's see!
@jim_68 LOL that rest doesn’t count 🤣

I’m beyond excited for when you start doing GS stuff but I’m exercising patience lol!! I already know you will love it. You have the mindset which is basically everything, as you already know 😊
@rkm I tried more jerks today..

  • 1 on/1 off x 5 with 2x12
  • 1/1 x 5 with 1x12 switching hands
  • 1 min amrap with 2x12
  • 3 min amrap with 1x12
I lost track of the count :/ (somewhere between 3-4 rpm with 2x12, and 10-14 rpm with 1x12)

Keeping 2x12 in rack was hard. Which muscles are used for rack holds? I probably need to get them stronger..
@jim_68 Agh I meant to respond to this before! For muscles used in rack holds a lot depends on your anatomy and how you can comfortably get the bells to sit. The most important thing is figuring out how to relax there.

But the ideal position will have the the bells directly over your hips (straight down through your elbows) so the weight goes directly into your legs. Your arms should do as little work as possible, and if you’re mobile enough to straighten your legs you’ll be able to relax your quads as well. And the upper back should be rounded and relaxed (almost stretched) around the bells but this requires a lot of mobility too.

That being said, I think most people probably have to use their abs and arms as well. The best thing to do is more rack holds for time - starting with maybe a minute and slowly work your way up. You’ll get stronger and you’ll also find what’s comfortable for you specifically. Stretches like cat-cow are good, and something for your hips and hip flexors. I’m going to look for a good rack video and I’ll send it to you!
@singnsuzq I loved Bud Jeffries talking about how swings are very underrated as a tool to strengthen and condition. And how long sets of heavy swings basically push you very hard in a very low impact way as well, with no repetitive strain injuries either.

I'm thinking that pushing my swings to 1000 with 24kg for me or 500 with 40 kg even once a week will be a great workout - full body, cardio, strength, conditioning, mental endurance, posterior, grip - all in one!

And it's easy to progress, I can load the T-handle with marginally more weight each time, and keep going.
push you very hard in a very low impact way

I've been having some issues with discipline and training lately, and I have found that doing swings in the morning helps BECAUSE of this. If I wake up stiff and don't feel like doing burpees or squats because my joints aren't ready yet? Do swings instead. It's not as intense, but it allows me to get my blood flowing rather than just laying back down because I feel extra "creaky."

As for the rest, I look forward to seeing that progress!