10365 of 10000 swings DONE in 10 days! 140,752 kg moved; Program report

@tim316 Buy the whole set - there are some crazy ideas in there. The conditioning, the martial arts stuff as well.. good entertainment for sure.. and very down to earth..

The man had an insane work ethic and seems to have tried every form of strengthening himself mentally, physically from east to west..
@jim_68 Congrats on your accomplishment. I, on the other hand choose not to make my workouts too long for fear that I'll "dread" exercising and quit doing it. I plan to keep things short, simple, and stick with it for life.
@dawn16 Cheers! I used to feel much this way..

Till I found out i really like swings and they're quite a meditative experience for me.

Also most of these workouts were sub 60min, so not long at all...
@jim_68 Bro,

Congrats on finishing.

12kg to 16kg seems a little light.

Just a thought. I like the idea of progression.

So I only bought new bells after I had earned them. I love kb swing as well. Started with 16kg. At first even doing 16kg 50x was tough for me.

I completed the 10k challenge with it. THEN got myself a 24kg, completed the 10k again… THEN got the 28.

Now I am restarted from ground zero but with 16kg single handed.
@dawn16 Glad you like the swings as well!

I chose 12/16 because I wanted to shoot for 1000 non stop and wasn't sure if I'd be able to shoot for that if i went higher.

If you see D2 & D4 i didn't make much progress doing the 16. So i decided to work with the 12 and get to longest continuous swings.

That then helped me make a lot of progress with the 16 in the end.

I've been sedentary long enough that i feel I've already earned whatever tools i need that make it fun for me to get and stay fit :) - i have an 8, 2x12, 2x16, 20 and a t-handle that goes upto 40kg.
