1150 cal oatmeal, 55+ g protein, nutrient packed!


New member
Hey y'all, just wanted to share my go to breakfast. I'm currently trying to bulk so I'm eating 3000+ cal a day with a minimum goal of 155g protein. I have a hard time getting enough food in at the beginning of the day so this is my solution to that lol

1 c Bob's red mill quick cooking steel cut oats

1.5 c Ultra soy milk from Pacific

Pinch of salt, cinnamon and ginger

1 TBS ground flax seed

1 TBS sunflower seeds

1 TBS pumpkin seeds

2 TBS craisins

1/4 c walnuts

1/2 scoop now sports pea protein (could use a full scoop for more protein but I prefer the texture with 1/2)

Maple syrup to taste :)

All your daily Omegas, 28g fiber and 55g protein! I promise it's super tasty and with all the nuts and seeds the texture is good too. Enjoy :)
@summerwillow you could get rid of the calorically dense ingredients (like the nuts and seeds) and it would be much fewer calories. plus, oatmeal tends to fill people up real well, so it would be perfect on a cut, to keep you full despite the lower calories.
@griff340 Is this all one meal? I do like 50g oats and some hemp seeds soy milk and chia seeds / protein powder and I'm full for like 3-4 hours lol.

(Though I might get low blood sugar and have to eat a fruit or something cus it's still low calories, just filling)
@dawn16 Bruh, why you gotta food-shame in a fitness sub? Those of us expending a lot of energy can eat a lot of food, and 1 cup isn’t even “a lot.” I eat 1 cup (measured dry) sometimes. It’s filling, but nowhere near uncomfortably so, and lasts me a while. It’s only 300 calories. lmao
@liengsunwin Food shame? I know it's not alot of calories, it's really filling is all.

I eat oats when I'm cutting and a cup with all the seeds water / soy milk added would have me lying on my side full for like 6 hours.

Not everyone is trying to attack you.
@dawn16 I didn’t take it as an attack. I just think it’s hilarious that you think 1 cup of oats alone is a debilitatingly huge amount of food. lmao

It sounds like you are very sedentary or have gastroparesis or something.