1150 cal oatmeal, 55+ g protein, nutrient packed!

@dawn16 “How can you fit a whole cup of oats in your stomach, what the absolute heck” is actually what you said, as if you think anyone who can eat a normal amount of oats must be a huge fatass or something, and as if you completely forgot that people pursuing fitness can and should eat a lot. Either way, also a pretty awful and weird take for a fitness sub.
@lawrence7 i would actually not recommend a meal like this if you have trouble getting down a bunch of food. what worked well for me was consuming liquid calories. put nearly the same ingredients in a blender, blend it up into a smoothie, and you can get it down much easier.
@alongingformore Having a breakfast with 1200-1400kcal helped me a lot with my struggle to get to 3000kcal per day.

Also a lot of nuts and roasted soy /edamame beans are quite helpful.
@griff340 I do something like this with overnight oats. I use coconut milk (although many people are skeptical about coconut oil as a fat), and a spoon of plain yogurt.
@griff340 Great post. I do something similar for breakfast and also try to get 3000c per day. Good reminder cause I think it's a big worry for vegan bulkers like us
@griff340 Thanks for sharing. When do you add the protein powder? Do you add it to the oats while cooking or do you stir it in afterwards with the other ingredients?
@gamefish I enjoy the texture and they're slightly higher in fiber (and probably some minerals too) if you preferred rolled oats or instant oats I'm sure those would be fine too!
@griff340 Wow you even named the oats in your OP.

I make overnight oats so it’s fine. The big thing from this post is it encouraged me to just eat a bigger serving. And to maybe spring for pumpkin seeds sometimes even though they’re expensive for me. Ty