12 WEEK FITNESS CHALLENGE!!! *updated from previous with suggestions!!* GOOGLE FORM TRACKING! START: JAN 12


New member
Okay gals!!!!!!! THIS IS AN EDIT FROM MY EARLIER POST!! Fixed with your suggestions and the Google Doc should be editable now!!!

SO I am serious about eating, working out, lifting heavy and losing weight. I'm really sick and tired of not looking how I want to look. SO it's time to change that!!! Let's all do a 12 week challenge and jump start the new year right!

Here is a link to the Google Form:


Please use this to track your 12 week progress and post here for motivation! Also if anyone has suggestions for more column titles to put in, that's good too!

ALSO SUPER IMPORTANT: Please watch this amazing video before you start. Make sure to watch all 3 parts. It's great advice from Kai Greene, a professional bodybuilder. He breaks down accountability, motivation and persistent action. This has been a great motivator for me so check it out:

Let's do this ladies!!!!!!!!
@saved071275 Bit late, but just joined! I've been to the gym twice this week, I'm aiming to go 3 times a week but maybe more for cardio. I'm very excited to be healthier and track my progress :)
@saved071275 I'm joining in this subreddit finally (though I've been subscribed for a while) because I am beginning to finally come to terms with the fact that I am no longer a teenager with a teenager's metabolism. It just took gaining 50lbs post marriage to see it. Sigh.

Let's go!
@saved071275 Do you think maybe, at the end of the 12-weeks, everyone who completed the challenge could write a small essay on what they did? I feel like if a majority of people who signed up for this actually complete the challenge, a collection of their success stories put into the sidebar would be a HUGE motivation for those who are just getting into working out!

I also feel like, if people did do a written supplement to this, they should also mention their failures during the 12-weeks. Seeing all success is awesome, but admitting where you failed and then adapted/learned during the process could help others when they get stuck or if they lose motivation!!!
@lnghrnfan Your number will change! People are adding new rows above existing ones, and other people are deleting names and putting their own beside existing goals (my goal got hijacked!). The best thing to do is Control+F to search for your username or a specific word from your goal when you return to the chart.
@saved071275 Scrolling through I see a lot of people trying to lose 20lbs.

I believe it's best to lose about 1lb a week, so maybe some of you should scale back your goals a bit. You could still lose 20 lbs, but 12 is probably the most realistic goals.