14 y/o 110 pounds 5’5

I need help on where to start. I don’t really have that much muscle anywhere on my body. I’ve tried cardio but I felt like it doesn’t work for me. I want to get big arms and shoulders. I don’t know how to diet right and i just want some advice.
@whatisidtheftcom Cardio will not put on muscle. In fact, it will do the exact opposite of that. Cardio is used to burn calories, not to put on muscle.

At 14 years old, I would start with bodyweight exercises. Push-ups, Pull-ups, and sit-ups. This will get you a bigger chest, shoulders, back, and core. Here's something I would do.

Grab a deck of cards. Flip one card over at a time. Let's say it's a "5". Do 5 Push-ups. So on and so forth. Make it a goal to go through the whole deck.

For pull-ups, start by doing negative pull-ups (look up on YouTube). Make it a goal to do 5 pull-ups in a row over time.

For core, there are many follow along videos on YouTube for this. Look up "Fraiser Wilson." Make it a goal to stick with him for an entire video.

Little changes at a time. Eat more, Track progress. Hope this helps!

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