(18 y/o male, 5’9, 180 lbs.) How many pushups/sit ups should I do a day?


New member
Hi all, I’ve been wanting to get stronger and I was wondering, how many push ups and sit ups each should I do each day? I was thinking three sets of 8 each a day. How long should I keep this number before increasing it?
@louisphan How many can you do in a in a given set? How many sets of that number can you do? Take those numbers then add 1-3 every day that your do them.

I’m assuming you’re doing body weight. What are your long term goals? Do you want a foundation for weight lifting? Do you want to tone? Build strength or build stamina? Do you want to be the One Punch Man?

Keep the types of workouts varied. Sometimes add resistance whether it be gravity, milk jugs, medicine balls or sandbags. Sometimes do them on uneven or unstable platforms.

There is much more to this than just “how many should I do in a day?”
@louisphan Thats not a lot so you should progress very quickly. Keep adding weekly. It also may be worthwhile to determine how many you can do in a row before failing then base the number of reps per set on that.