2 Year Progress Post! (follow up)

@button Hey what trap stretches did you do? I had a similar feeling in my right trap after doing pull-ups and my neck is tight and painful too. Mind sharing please?
@scoobysnacks If you find yourself in a similar boat, I cannot suggest seeing a profession enough. Honestly I tried everything I could find on the internet.

My physical therapist not only told me what stretches I should be doing, but also ones to avoid.

This is a rehab video I made for a friend with shoulder pain, that might be able to help. This is the daily stretches I do to help with over all health. There's a chance those resources could help, but again I tried everything when I had that pain and I ended up making it worse on my own.
@button Thanks a lot - definitely planning on seeing a PT, but I’m very self-motivated. My injury sounds exactly like yours - same spot in right trap and symptoms traveling up my back and stiffening my neck. Are the stretches in the video basically what your PT recommended? Will start today!
@scoobysnacks Nope these are just a few light movements that I neglect and find helpful for feeling healthy. Might not be the best for you, I'm not a professional by any means 😊.
@button Very insightful post! Couple questions. Can you describe how you perform the banding floating pike PU hold and banded straddle planche PU?

And which planche and handstand exercises have you found to be the most effective in progressing?
@rystalk I just hang a band off a bar and put it around my waist. Very similar to this. The floating hold is just the bottom of a bent Arm press to handstand.

Planche is a long grind, whatever you can do that gives you lots of time in the position, pushes you, and doesn't injury you is what you should work on. Psuedo planche push ups and banded static holds are my favorites.

Handstands, back to wall holds and some chest to wall holds. Lots and lots of them. 😁
@button I hear you on the injury prevention front, been making massive strides in weight loss through a mix of BWF, lifting and cardio. But I injured my wrist(Would hurt when I roll it and click multiple times when rolling it) and did possibly the stupidest thing anybody can do and kept exercising past the pain.

This was the biggest mistake I've made since I started and now my wrist in going to be in a brace for 3-6 months and now I can only do basically cardio and a mish mash of exercises not using my wrist.

Your progress is inspiring and is helping me look forward to the future when I can get back into it and focus on injury prevention.
@rpntx Hindsight sure is 20/20! And rehab is a bitch, but if you take it slow and steady, you'll be surprised with where you end up! Good luck with your training!
@christina446 They were a few different levator scapula and scalene ones, I don't really want to share because IMO if someone is having this type of pain/problems they should see a professional.

My PT also listened to stretches I was doing and gave great suggestions on what to avoid/stop doing.

So again, cannot suggest seeing a physical therapist enough.
@button Naw I’ll literally never go to a physical therapist again. Spent like ~3k trying to fix my shoulder and all the exercises they gave me were the same ones I found online. Whenever I went they would just tell me to do the same ones Id already found and was already doing. Maybe if you don’t live in the states this can work but I’ve never had a good experience with a therapist and was just hoping to find some new movements
@christina446 Holy shit, we've had wildly different experiences. Guess I'm a little short-sighted on this outside the states.
You'll hate hearing this but its $20 a visit for me to see a PT. Soooo I offer you this shoulder and upper back rehab follow along I made for a buddy. It covers a lot of movements myself and probably others neglect especially in calisthenics.

I'm by no means a professional but it's helped me.

@button I appreciate the feedback and honestly I’m just glad you had a positive experience. Nobody should have to feel like they can’t go to a doctor or get help. Went to multiple therapists too and honestly it always just feels like in the states they aren’t incentivized to help cuz they make so much money on people coming back. Paying like 200$ a visit to do the same movements I’ve been doing at home feels real Fuckin bad man lol. Keep up the good work tho homie you’re crushing it!
@button I feel stupid when I read these. I’m wanting to get into body weight fitness which will be the first time getting into fitness of any kind so I don’t understand the lingo yet. Is there a weekly plan of body weight exercises written out that tells you exactly which exercises to do on each day? I clicked on the links here and again it’s frustrating but I don’t fully understand what the complete workout would look like.
@button Good write-up. For a tall person your front lever efforts are noteworthy. If you want some help with that you can post a form check - I noticed 3 things you can improve from your video - so working on form and your strength weaknesses will help you get straight body - no poking or sagging at the hips.

Aim for a neutral scapula (retract until neutral) and focus on body rigidity to get good form I.e. straight body. See my front lever from messing around at the beach for shoulder position and neutral scapula.

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