I'm still Chris Brown and this is my 2-year progress post about bodyweight training and life!

@ukubird Nice man. Did you notice any benefits of BWF translating into snowboarding? I've been snowboarding close to a decade but am fairly new to BWF
@ljctam Nope. Actually I'd show up to shred so fatigued from lifting heavy that my snowboarding would be awful. I don't get inverted so I'm not too sure if handstands would help with that. Would love to take up trucking as I've heard it helps
@ljctam I meant tricking but it got auto corrected. Look it up on YouTube. I'd like 4-5 days a week and snowboard like 4 days a week so they'd always overlap.
@ukubird Oh haha. Yeah im familiar tricking. That I could definitely see translating into snowboarding. I hope to be able to do that stuff eventually.
@dawn16 Very busy Italian restaurant in mammoth lakes, CA. It's from both. I do the most volume and most sales while receiving the most 5 star yelps of any other server (I don't give a damn about yelps but its a metric they care about.)

I work damn hard when I can. It's pretty rough during the holidays.
@ukubird Nice. Mammoth lakes looks dope as fuck. I'm a server on clearwater beach in FL, and I feel ya. Strike while the iron's hot and enjoy the time when it slows down.

That yelp shits pretty solid though, good call on that. What do you say to your tables to get so many people to actually follow through with a review?
@dawn16 The restaurant gives people 15% off their food if they check in. Whenever someone checks in i tell them to hit back, click 5 stars, drop my name, say they liked the food and nobody died and that it really helps me a ton. We get 15 mammoth bucks which we can spend on the mountain for every 5 star review so I tell them I save the Mammoth bucks and spend them on my parents when they come up.

Other than that it's kinda freaking extremely difficult to get organic yelp reviews. Some days I push for them but the return is super low. I have a pretty engaging and funny personality as well so I connect well with the guests.

We were just in Florida for 4 days visiting the keys and traveling around. One way flight from lax to Mia was $84 on spirit lol
@ukubird oh shit thats a good idea. We do 10% off same way, but I figured since people tend to only tip on what the bill is down here I keep it to myself.. ha. I'll try that though.

All I hear is the keys are fucking amazing, hope you had a good time man.

Spirit is so clutch.
@dawn16 Yeah, with me getting the Mammoth bucks it offsets the tip issue for me. +15 bucks is equal to selling like $75 worth of product. It tends to work out and I make plenty of money to where I don't stress out over tips or percentages anymore. If it keeps me in good graces with the bosses I usually get to get away with more stuff and snag all the premium shifts and do whatever I want

The keys were decent. Kinda pricey but it was a nice experience.

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