[2 years progress] My journey with BW

@joshpear87 Nice job! You have my dream physique.

30M here. I have the same issues (scoliosis and herniated cervical disc). For these reasons, and money and time constraints, I'm also opting for bodyweight lately.

How was your general diet during these years?
@anie2812 You have Your dream physique, really . I dont think comparing helps ..... Admiring is great, praising too and listening how someone got that far too but your body is yours, your built is yours, imho.
@boateng You’re getting downvoted and I can see why but I disagree. Reading between the lines helps me figure out what your really trying to say.

If I’m getting the real idea you are meaning “ having a goal is great but one person may not look like another. keep training and improve, be happy with your body. Don’t get pissy or frustrated if you don’t look exactly like another person”

I also may be way off base lol.
@theresadove Oh wow I did not see this! You exactly said what I meant! Im not native English.

Dowvoting is so unness.

Its is just as you said. A lot of teens for example, even me, see models or singers or sportsmen and think I wamna be that thin jacked broad etcetc but everybody is differently built. And body dysmorphia is lurking a lot nowadays! The comparing oneself to others is a real issue here.

So thinking : I wanna be strong or slender or huge, cool! But ' I wanna be like him or her whith exactly those measurements" is setting yourself up to failure and such
I went for body weight training for those reasons. Better slow and steady than rushing and injuring yourself. I try to eat “healthy”, no sodas, not so many desserts (I fail in that one tbh). Also I don’t drink and I loooove oatmeal heh