2022 NoBull CrossFit Games IE6: Up and Over Discussion Thread

@orthodoxlady1994 It also made it easier to track athletes. I don't care what clothing company provides the clothes but a variety of colors that all work together is all we need. These colors do nothing on the broadcast.
@orthodoxlady1994 Yeah I only know where Ricky is because of his leader shorts, otherwise I have no idea who I’m looking at unless I’m told by the booth. This is even worse for the team competition because they all look almost exactly the same.

Like I get they don’t want to copy Reebok but throw in some extra colors to give people more options or even block numbers to help differentiate athletes.
@ingeborg They have some interesting "the making of..." videos about implements and rigs. For example, their Wheel of Pain build that they made for the Strongman Classic -- it goes through their thought process about what the athletes were capable of, how to make it look impressive to watch, etc.
@jonjones229 This is a random question- but since we’re all here…

Why is Gerard so unlikable? Other than the obvious answer of PEDs. This has been a conversation the last few days at my gym and I’d like more input.
@12345susie He did an interview with Talking Elite where he said he thought some of the negativity from other athletes he was receiving was because they were jealous. Maybe it was in jest, but just didn’t sit well with me