2022 NoBull CrossFit Games IE6: Up and Over Discussion Thread

@12345susie I really dislike him because I dislike all cheaters. And his cheating affected Vellner, one of my favorite CF athletes.

However, in his interview after the Capitol event this morning, he totally owned up to his mistakes and sounds somewhat humble. Maybe he did change (or at least has been guided on what to say), but it did make me dislike him less (yes, a double negative).
@12345susie He's just not "likeable" like Vellner or Medeiros or Toomey. I don't like him as a personality but that doesn't really matter— he followed the rules that Crossfit set out, he came back, and he's crushing.
@12345susie If he took PEDs and got caught, it's one thing. It was more than that though, it was his lying and arrogance behind it that people really dislike. He said in a documentary that he had never taken them, and couldn't look his dad and brother in the eyes if he ever did. But also, he told supposedly told Crossfit HQ that he knew Matt was also taking PEDs and had proof of it, when he didn't.

Personally, I don't care. He was young and dumb and made some bad decisions. I did a lot of super dumb shit when I was in my early 20s and have had a lot of growth in my life since. Sometimes you really need to fall to learn a lesson, and some need a bigger and harder fall than others.
@mrscutright52612 all this but...

I gotta give the guy credit for coming back after a 4 year break from a sport that requires continuous training and improvement and being at a top level. impressive.
@tigr He popped for testolone and endurobol. Just because they might not be as effective or used in the same dosages as "what Hulk Hogan took in the 80s" doesn't mean they have no effects.

Testolone increases lean muscle mass (and subsequently strength) and rate of fat loss.

Lean muscle mass does not magically disappear and bodyfat does not magically come back up just by cycling off / quitting use.
@praynmama i know but to stay that dedicated to it while being on the sidelines is impressive. also no clue if he was tested during his suspension, or whatever else. he coulda been juiced to the gills till open season began and he was back in scope for testing. who knows...
@ezie Absolutely agree. For him to consistently train at games level the whole time and stay consistent is impressive. I know he also “competed” on his own, to know how he would’ve done, in the 2020 virtual events and supposedly he would’ve placed fairly well. But have no proof of it.
@mrscutright52612 lotta shit can change in 4 years and for him to stay after it all that time while being on the sidelines and come back this competetive... I honestly did not see that coming.