2022 NoBull CrossFit Games IE6: Up and Over Discussion Thread

@thespeedboy In hindsight I didn’t mean to downplay the achievements of the mayhem teams in that event, just it shows when a team has put practice in - much like how some teams were really well in sync on burpees and RMU
@fearey No worries. I figured you meant that they could practice but wanted to make sure there wasn't some other reason. It's been around for close to 10 years now, I think?
@fearey I actually didn't either. I do have to make a small correction. The pig, in it's current form, debuted in 2015. There was a flip sled they called the pig back in 2013.
@jonjones229 Didn’t Barnhardt take a top 10 position in 2019 during The Standard? And usually she seems super strong on events like this… I hope she didn’t injure something, especially after a 9th in The Capitol
@jonjones229 Tia with her characteristic pole to pole domination in that event, but I'm super impressed with Mal O'Brien going sub-13 minutes in this workout with all the jumping over tall things.

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