2022 NoBull CrossFit Games IE6: Up and Over Discussion Thread

@aaron2025 They always shit on Adam’s strength. She was one of many people who struggled getting up the stairs.

Yes she struggled on that snatch ladder and max out events, but she got 5th freakin place in the Capitol event. She’s strong as shit. Any workout with normal womens barbell weight or dumbbell weight, she moves it fast.
@jarvis75 I was laughing (and crying) at them making a point of saying how big of a weakness strength is during the shuttle run event, when she is repping like 40kg heavier than my max 😂😂
@jonjones229 Ugh I don’t like it when announcers of any sport praise playing through gross injury. Ripped hands, sure but here and in NFL etc makes me uneasy

Edit: I mean injuries that could have lasting damage, ie Baker Mayfield