2022 NoBull CrossFit Games - IE9: Hat Trick Discussion Thread

@ezie I caught part of the livestream on Insta but couldn’t hear too well. They had a strongman demonstrating a lift of a heavy sandbag with their technique so something along that line!
@zongruger Noah seems to understand that he’s not going to win the Games now, he said he’s trying to train with a different goal now (to realize there’s more to sport than just winning). He has a lot of history with Max I don’t see him leaving his team for his final year of Indy (sounds like he’s considering team after 10 seasons). Also, Fraser seems super selective and interested in training up and comers.
@zongruger Didn’t Fraser make a comment on one of the documentaries about Noah…taking some liberties…on that hammer block workout? I got the impression Frasier doesn’t necessarily not like him, but really doesn’t hold him in high regard either.
@zongruger Noah is 32 and has been competing since the 2014 games. He is at the end of his career. Switching camps won’t make him younger or undo the wear and tear of training full time for 9 years- there is only so much the body can take. He is still better than a lot of people but he is past his peak. Same with Pat, Brent, and Travis Mayer. I like all those guys and root for them but it’s hard to envision them getting better against a young field.
@mikelore if anything - it's a testament to his current camp that they've been able to 'endure' the next gen better than others.

think about the other people in Noah's peer group - men and women - that are slowly melting away against the field of progress. over a eight, nine year stretch, it's still hugely impressive he's even in the top 10 right now I think - and still potential to finish higher, too. Very few commentators had him in their top 10, and while he might slip away end of weekend, he's still mixing it.
@zongruger I don’t think he has the mental portion in order to move to the next level. He always came off to me as someone who cares more about the insta likes and glamour than actually performing

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