2023 NoBull CrossFit Games IE5 - Ski-Bag Discussion Thread

@bnorrism I like it. With the exception of Roman no one has had all top 10 finishes and I think that's a good thing. Almost everyone is getting exposed in some area or are failing on execution. It makes things exciting and the leaderboard is changing after every event.
@bnorrism I think it's OK to over program a bit the first couple of days. The last couple of events is when it starts to look bad. Those are where you have the most potential new eyes watching. the athletes at that point should be given something you know they can crush, but will still look hard.
@bnorrism I definitely think they're aggressive with the programming, but it's just proving that the elite athletes that can finish these workouts are the ones who belong at the top.
@jonjones229 love Laura. also gotta say i think it's great for other female athletes to see you don't have to be like 12% body fat and super lean to excel at this sport. she looks great and she's a beast
@jonjones229 I get the urge to buy a SkiErg every year around this time and manage to fight it off.

My wife just looked at me and said “Do we need a Ski Erg?”

“Why yes, yes we do…”