2023 NoBull CrossFit Games Teams Discussion - Thursday


New member

Time to fire up the teams competition! Day one is here and the teams will be taking on 2-2-2-2 Redux & Ride Relay

Please be aware that around Games time there are often spammers trying to trick you with fake stream links. Please only use the official streams provided FREE for the games

Home Page

Individual Events | Team Events | Age Group Events | Adaptive Events

Live Streams Games Site | YouTube | facebook | twitch

Leaderboard - The 'R' on the leaderboard means rookie

On-Site Info

Schedule – Games Site Schedule

google/ical Schedules to come when I can finish input

Come and hang out in the r/crossfit discord channel

CrossFit Games Instagram

Morning Chalkup Games Hub

CrossFit GamesApp Google Play Link | CrossFit Games Apple App Store Link

2-2-2-2 Redux

Event Start Time: 10am CT / 11 am ET / 8am PT / 3pm UTC / 4pm CET

For time in M/F pairs

Accumulate 100 overhead squats

Starting every 2 minutes:

12/9-calorie SkiErg each (M/F)

1 seated legless rope climb each (M/F)

Max-reps synchro overhead squats

When 2 minutes are up, the first pair stops working and returns while the second pair begins working.

Time cap: 16 minutes

Ride Relay

Event Start Time: 1:10pm CT / 2:10pm ET / 10:10am PT / 6:10pm UTC / 7:10pm CET

With two bikes per team, max laps in one hour.
@pixey I was really confused about this too but did a few more searches and CFHQ decided to tuck the full team stream into the middle of the age/adaptive stream…I would have never found it if I was searching with intention.