2023 Open Goals - Met or Nah?


New member
As the title says, how are everyone's goals for the 2023 open going? I am falling short of mine. I set a goal of making the quarterfinals after my first open last year where I finished in the 69th percentile. I started doing crossfit during the final workout from the 2021 open and then started taking my training more seriously somewhere around September of 2021.

It's been a mixed bag for me in this open. I did well on the first workout but couldn't get a rmu in an actual workout after having gotten a few in practice. I had a solid tie break time so it didn't kill me. I expected to do better on 23.2a but really failed hard but luckily made up some ground with a very good b score where I finished within the top 5% worldwide for men (I'm trying to qualify for AGQF in the 40-44 range). My score on b even ended up being in the top 1000 in my age group so I'm super happy about that.

Overall, I am sitting in the 85th percentile with one workout to go. I am hoping for something that is a sprint with some strength. I can excel in those workouts more than I'm going to in a long cardio workout. I don't think quarterfinals is a legitimate possibility this year but I'm currently 16% higher than I was last year and maybe a jump from 85% to 90% is more realistic than jumping from 69% to 90%.

How is it going for everyone else?