HWPO 2023 pro roster announced!

@rollover This is the one major issue. Burgeron did not seem to work on skill development. Her muscle ups aren’t her weakest movement but with better technique she could move way more efficiently. The same with her lifts. Super weak due to poor form.

Brooke Wells had the exact same issues. While naturally she was strong due to her genetics her lifts got weaker over time under him due to what seems like a lack of care in form.

When Brooke moved to PRVN they said they were starting from ground up with her cause of her form through the lifts. She had that horrid hitch in her cleans. Can’t recall if it was in her snatch as well but that constant pause she had just above her knee was limiting her strength and her lifts at higher volume as well at top end.
@digofanart I wouldn't say super-weak. She has snatched 197 in competition. In that event Kara S won that event at 203. Tia last year snatched 200, so Katrin is not far off at weightlifting.

In fact, Katrin's 1RM snatch as a percent of her CF total is higher (by a lot!) than Tia, Annie, Kara, Brooke, Eramo and Kristin Holte. The numbers don't really support super weak for Katrin's Olympic lifts.

Now Brooke... that's a different story given her raw strength. Brooke has some serious lifting issues, but I hope she's in a place where they can get fixed.
@dawn16 Kara won that but her max snatch is also 220. Tia is also higher than what she’s hit at the Games. I’ll amend my statement as i agree she isn’t the weakest athlete for sure. 190-200 now is a snatch most Semifinal athlete hit. It’s strong but at the Games level it’s not top end. Katrin has said herself that her top lift and the numbers she can do for reps are very close. Which means she’s leaving a lot on the table when it comes to her upper end. I’d say she has some room for improvement when it comes to her lifting. That is where i think Mat can make a difference. Becoming more technically sound will help her significantly.