HWPO 2023 pro roster announced!

@kaitlyn764 He was fourth overall in quarterfinals this year and happened to have a bad asthma flare up at his semifinal. I know that shitting on Bergeron is a pastime on this thread but it’s pretty hard to say coaching was his problem this year.
@chapelmusicworship Don’t get me wrong. I use to listen to Ben Bergeron and his podcasts. I don’t hate him but I don’t think what he has to offer the 2022 athlete is as profound as it was back then. Like having a winning attitude is great but the mindset fraser had for the years of his dominance has evolved. Seeing chandlers progress, didn’t seem like he made any progress this year. His post about getting more than finger tips on a power clean got me.
@felicitas Digging into the numbers...

Katrin has a very simple problem: She's not strong enough.

In 2020:
  • Katrin posted a 230 max FS (field average 262, top score Tia 313).
  • Katrin posted a 701 CF total. (field average 790, Haley Adams beat her).
When Katrin won in 2015/16, this was less of an issue. The women were not strong, compared with today. Again the numbers:

In 2015, Katrin C&J 217 at the Games. This was above average back then; field average was 203. Brooke Ence won the event with a 242 and only 6 women were above 230.

By 2016 Katrin was already falling behind. She was 38th in the deadlift ladder at 295. Average was 338. Her fitness was broad enough to overcome it. Katrin is a slow twitch athlete who worked very hard with skills and conditioning, She's great at anything with high volume:
  • 1st in Double DT
  • 2nd in Murph
  • 4th in Trail Run
Katrin is the best at this stuff. But there is a certain level of intensity and force production she has thus far been incapable of, and given her age, it's unlikely she can close the gap against women 5-10 years younger.
@dawn16 That said her technique is utter garbage. Those numbers can go up considerably with better technique. The fact she can get what she gets with how poor she lifts is kind of impressive.