2023 Physique and Plan Updates


New member
How are we doing Natty Fam! It’s been awhile since I’ve updated, and these types of updates are what originally brought me to the subreddit years ago. I love reading into the decision-making processes and journeys of others like myself, more so than a simple Q&A forum – so here goes.

My last update only got posted to r/bodybuilding (found here: 205lb Physique), but was done at around 205lbs a few months back after coming down from a peak bulk weight of 220lbs (5’10” for reference).

I’m currently at 194-197lbs (Current Physique: 195lb Physique) depending on daily intake and activity levels with a goal of getting down to 190lbs or so prior to the birth of my second daughter late March or early April. The months following will very likely be maintenance months due to inherent sleep deprivation, nutritional fluctuations, stress, inability to consistently train, etc.

Current intake is a range depending on how I’m feeling for the day. On days I’m feeling fresh and reach the end of the day not overly hungry I’ll dig a little deeper, on weeks/days where fatigue from life/work/diet is accumulating I reduce the overall deficit. Targets are 200-240P 275-300C 45-60F. Very autoregulated approach to food simply dependent on gym performance and weekly rate of loss. I create a foundational diet from 3-5 meals that say consistent and change 1-2 as needed or desired for satisfaction or to enjoy a meal out with the family.

The last time I competed in July 2021 ( 2021 Comp Photos: 2021 Stage Shots) I was 162-167lbs. Hoping to spend some time in the 180s-190s for the upcoming year, slowly recomp and build a metabolic base prior to another prep in 2024.
@commando95 Almost identical to my physique, looking good bro. I’m 190lbs currently and pushing to get to 200 lb and end goal being 240 lbs while staying relatively lean. It’s hard as a natural especially when you don’t have the best genetics haha. But if Mike o Hearn can do it naturally so can we.
@sam088 Those terms are relatively arbitrary. For health and satiety reasons I prioritize micronutrient dense foods and fibrous regardless of weight loss or gain, however I still work in more pleasurable foods in my intake when desired. I eat responsibly and monitor my weekly rate of change.