2024 semifinals - Oceania, and North America West - Day 3


New member
Torian Pro -

West Coast Classic -

Qualifiers for games -

North America West - 9 men, 8 women, 7 teams

Oceania - 4 men, 4 women, 3 teams

Leaderboard -

Oceania - https://games.crossfit.com/leaderboard/semifinals/2024?semifinal=235&division=2&sort=0

North America West - https://games.crossfit.com/leaderboard/semifinals/2024?semifinal=233&division=2&sort=0

Individuals Events -​


Event 4 - For time:
  • 400-meter row
  • 96-foot handstand walk
  • 600-meter row
  • 120-foot handstand walk
  • 800-meter row
  • 72-foot handstand walk
Time cap: 13 minutes

Event 5 - For time:
  • 10 squat snatches by 2:00
  • 8 squat snatches by 4:00
  • 6 squat snatches by 6:00
  • 4 squat snatches by 8:00
  • 2 squat snatches by 11:00
Time cap: 11 minutes

Men: 185, 205, 225, 245, 265 pounds

Women: 135, 145, 155, 165, 175 pounds

Event 6 - For time:
  • 30/22-calorie Echo bike
  • 15 muscle-ups
  • 72-foot dumbbell walking lunge
Time cap: 6 minutes

Men: Two 100-pound dumbbells

Women: Two 70-pound dumbbells
Overall I'd say the Oceania put on a good show. While the NA West semi has not been as good production-wise, it has been exciting, Some outstanding performances, e.g. Colten Mertens and Olivia Kerstetter in event 5, and Tudor Magda in event 6, and close contest that kept people at tenterhooks as to who will qualify. Just a pity that not many people came to watch it.
@giftsigns Torian did the finals far better. Having the males and females go one after another makes for a better presentation. Having the females finals and podium over an hour before the males is silly.
@dryvrgrl That’s easy to do when you only have 3 or 4 qualifying spots. When no one is going to jump into a qualifying spot from an earlier heat. When you have actually Game spots on the line in the last 2 heats. You aren’t going to give the last heat 40 minutes of extra recovery time, when that could impact someone in an earlier heat.