23.1 women’s barbells misloaded

@tmaries I don't think they accounted for the female bar. They loaded it as if the bar was 20kg not 15kg.

I agree though, if they want to be an international sport then they should should include KG weights in the announcement.
@tmaries That's not relly an excuse, here in UK we use KG and it's always on the movement standard if not the scorecard what the minimum allowed weight in KG is.

When we were starting out it always caused a problem because it would be 43kg, well guess how many half KG plates we had at the time... so we all had to do 45 instead. Not a huge difference, but still an unlevel field.
@ecclesiastian It does balance out though as dumbells are 35lbs which is 16kg and when we have double dumbell movements which is quite often they are shifting 32kgs and we are shifting 30.
@noel3124 Fair but further proves my point. There should be a standard measurement across the world. When/if it comes to 1RM lifts in the open / quarters some people will be beaten simply because of the conversion.

THe US use KGs for Olympic Weightlifting, why not CrossFit?

I realise at this point though the huge cost to affiliates/garage gym users if they had to change
@tmaries Not an excuse really at all. I don’t understand how this gets missed. Plates even in the US have KG stamped on them and if you’re a pro, you aren’t checking your weights?? Surprising misses all around.
@tmaries I saw the scorecard today and I saw the KG amounts that were equivalent to lbs on the right side of the paper. I honestly thing it was a male vs female bar miscalculation.
@jkhaemba Lol at Morning Chalkup.

They were going to do a story on a noteworthy California CF box that held an online kettlebell comp via Competition Corner a few years ago that ghosted us when it came to mailing prizes to our podium finishers. They congratulated us on medaling via email like a week or 2 after the comp, asked for addresses to mail prizes, then ghosted.

Classy 👍💰

MCU got all the documentation from us over an email thread (which we still have on file) and after a few weeks responded they didn't have time to run the story.

Translation - they buried it. Not sure why but that box and it's sister box especially are all over the MCU website.
